Thursday, March 16, 2017


People seem to differ a bit in their approach to reading. 

Well, that's an obvious comment isn't it...let me be clearer, readers seem to differ in their approach to reading.  My husband, for example, far prefers to read a number of books at the same time, up to 5 of them, and he alters through them via some kind of internal algorithm or emotional guage.  I have always preferred to read one book, finish it and start the next. 

This difference may have to do with my husbands rather formidable ability to remember.  Really, it is amazing.  However, if I leave a book too long I lose track of some of the details of the story.  Though for me it is also about sinking myself into the story and entering the world, so switching frequently between them is not what interests me terribly. 

Right now, however, for powers beyond my control, I am reading 5 books at the same time.  Kinda not enjoying it.  I gave up last night, stayed up late and finished one of them.


Saturday, March 4, 2017

This is not a humble brag

This is straight up amazement.

I've been studying Mandarin a bit, and look what I can understand!  (Only in the context, not sure I would be able to on the street, but still.....)




And it sounds like this:

I only have to check 10 or 11 times to write it correctly too!  Not only that, but I understood it right off....the characters are hard though, and they need to be written in a specific order, which does actually have a lot of logic to it and makes it easier to understand.

Here I'm writing (more or less, I am sure my handwriting is appalling) Hello!

Oh, and it says...

Hello, how are you?

I'm very good, and you?

I'm also very good.

Cool, no?