Saturday, August 13, 2011

It's technically tomorrow

but that's OK, cause I had a nap today.

Weekends are such wonderful things, and we are packing as much into them as we possibly can....and some napping.  Friends friends and more friends.  The chief goal.

Our time here is winding up so quickly, I look at the numbers and it still looks like lots of time, but honest to goodness, there is so little left in which we can see folks.  A week and a bit of work, a week and a bit of sailing and then a few days of tidying and we're GONE!


It'll be good to get back to Spain though too......hmmmmm.  Now to try and read a little.


The Bodhi Chicklet said...

I am happy you took some of your time to spend with me. Maybe next time we will meet up in Spain!

Sherry said...

I'm happy that you took some time to visit at Kim's sister's as was so wonderful to meet you and spend time with you. The 3 of us certainly seem to be sympatico souls!!

Enjoy the rest of the summer and you are right -- the time is just going to fly!

oreneta said...

LADIES!!! IT was such a delight to see you both and get to meet you in face!!! Summer goes to fast doesn't it...goodness.