Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Day 3, Camiño de Faros

So, what a surprise, we went walking again the next day.  It was another spectacular day, though the extremely prickly everything slowed some folks down quite a lot.  Gaiters would have been good that day.

We started half way along that point, more or less, walked out to the end, and then walked back.....

We're headed to the tip of the point in the distance....

NB, every single plant in this picture is prickly has hell.

All of those ones too.....

This is the final point!  The furthest west you can go in continental Europe!  Hi Canada!!!

Looking along the cliffs that make up this chunk of Europe....

Adorably, the Camiño de Faros is also occasionally marked by these footprints!  It was so windy there, if you look at my pants you can kinda tell, I had a hard time taking the photo, I kept blowing backwards off the rock!

And a curious doorway....just 'cause.  This is in the town of Cee.

Oh, and a heads up...this is a little nasty....those prickly plants?  This is what I looked like.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awful scratches! Are the green prints painted to tell the way?