Thursday, February 22, 2018


Goodness how I love the Olympics!  Such cool sports like Biathlon and speed skating!!

Plays merry hell with my reading and exercising, but it's only a couple of weeks every couple of years.....

Biathlon is such a cool sport.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

House is rented

Well, step by step, things are getting done!

The house is rented, we should be signing the contract next week, which is very good indeed.  The 28th is the final survey of the boat we hope to buy. Fingers crossed that all goes well.  We certainly hope it will.  The paperwork is in to rent the apartment for Youngest, fingers crossed that also goes well. 

In the meantime, to keep our spirits up as we find ourselves buried in paperwork and home repair and hassles, we've got a new book!  A listing of the navigation signs in the European Canal systems! Sounds dull, but will be incredibly important!  So we can start studying!!!!

And see what's inside?

Lots of fun for everyone

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Well, it's never dull

There's another boat we were looking at, in Sweden....but the owner wasn't willing to negotiate the price at all. So we went looking elsewhere.  However the Swedish boat is a better boat and the location is much better for us and what we want to when he got back in touch with us aiming to negotiate, well, we did.  And now we've got an agreement on buying the boat, just waiting to check the engine and hull.  Unfortunately the boat is currently frozen in (which does make me nervous) and we have to wait.

Not my favourite thing.

However, I trust the boat is in good shape and it's just a matter of waiting for the weather.

Fingers crossed.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Buyin a boat, another boat. Another vega

Well, I'm in Glasgow right now seeing Eldest who just handed in their dissertation, and I came to look at a boat.  An Albin Vega.  It looks like we're going to buy it!

The man went up to Sweden to buy one, which I was pretty excited about honestly, the location was great, the boat looked really good, but the surveyor said that it needed a couple of thousand to repair the electrics, and we didn't get the engine tested and they didn't haul it.  So we wanted to get them to reduce the price because we'd have to pay for the electrical work, and there was a lot cause it was a really fancy boat, all tricked out, and to get anything like our money back, we'd have to keep that up. 

He wouldn't reduce the price, not even a little bit.  Ho hum.

So, we went and looked online at other boats. And there's this one, near Glasgow....and I came up on Sunday (bought the ticket on Saturday) and saw the boat on Monday and paid the deposit. 

The engine looks really really good, the hull looks sound (WAY too many thru-hulls - but that can be repaired) the rig looks fine.  The sails and cordage, not so much.  There's a CQR and chain.  A dingy we can sell and an outboard. 

We'll get a composting head I think and a heater.  Maybe a Dickson, I've always liked them.

It has a propane stove and oven, which we may well keep, but I have no idea where I will keep the pans if we do.  Have to think around that one too.  Might sell it as well.  We'll see. 

Now to get the house rented and youngest's apartment rented, then it's down to the details. 

Look at that tartan!