Monday, December 10, 2007

7 things meme

Beth tagged me with the seven strange things I have to come up with seven strange things about me that I am willing to share with most everyone; aside from the fact that I have personally purchased a statue of Dubbya having a dump...

1. Eldest and youngest both think I dress strangely (I disagree) they think I dress like folks 40 years ago...all that really means is that I wear pants that don't require the use of neat to go out in pubic, oops, I meant public there. *blush*

2. I just got a feed reader, for those of you that don't know what it is, that would seem strange, if you do know what it is, you'll wonder why I've waited so long.

3. If you were Catalan you would think that I was VERY strange because I want to drink cafe amb llet (espresso with lots of warm milk) AFTER 11am. That is very very very strange here. So strange I have trouble ordering want WHAT????

4. I will eat most anything for breakfast, no sticking to that breakfast food rule...for instance this morning, it was bread with alloli, which is olive oil and raw garlic pounded together, and rice and bean soup from last night. This may relate to number 3 above.

This is tricky...hmmmm...

5. I hate carrying a purse. Hate it. Indeed I hate carrying anything at all...after years of carrying everything including the kitchen sink and a potty with the kidlets, lord leave me free.

6. I really like Pringles potato chips. They do not really resemble food in any way, and I have on occasion been quite the particular kind of girl about health food, but pringles....mmmmmmmm.....they are just so good

7. I dislike the use of soap in the shower. Not that I don't get clean, but what the heck, there you are all lathered up with shampoo, why not just spread some of the goodness around? Started when I was travelling and the soap was invariably slimy and cold and made a mess in my bag, while the shampoo remained neatly in it bottle...then I discovered that shampoo doesn't leave that gross ring around the bath that you then need to scrub off...well there you have it, why wash yourself with something that then forces you to wash the tub, leaving you feeling grubby all over again?

I don't know if that is strange enough for you, but it's what I came up the girls said, I am kind of used to myself...everything seems kind of normal to me.

To tag or not to tag, that is the question....

I think I will leave this too anyone who wants to do it...

Trish has also tagged me, I'll do that one tomorrow...

OK Ok ok, I have to laugh. I just checked my stat counter and a ton of people found my site when searching for santa's n*ughty h*lper...a LOT of folks, looking for a little, shall we say, Christmas cheer? BUT...yesterday? They were greeted by GDubya's crap!!!


Go look for your p*rn're in the WRONG place for that!


Beth said...

Love the pants thing, I'm with you on lugging around a purse but no way I could down a breakfast like that!
It is hard to think of weird facts, isn't it? I like your line, "I'm kind of used to myself."

Unknown said...

I'm so tempted to go look up Santa's Naughty Helper just to see what they come up with.

Oh, am I not supposed to type Santa's Naughty Helper on here?

Man. People are creepy.

Unknown said...

As an addendum, I just looked that up. You're No. 4 on the Google search.

Anonymous said...

It's your kids that are out of step - retrofashion is the coolest thing going and anyone who finds authentic flower-power clothes in grandma's attic is absolutely ecstatic!

Anonymous said...

I am so with you on the pringles thing...I love 'em! And that they come in a tube, how cool is that?

oreneta said...

Beth: I am glad I am not the only one who fails to find themselves weird, though I am sure I am in many ways....

DD: that's an improvement, I was number two when I looked.

GM: Oooooo ammunition, I'll tell them that!!!

Trish: The tube is definately part of the fun, though I am still faintly embarassed to be seen with them, like I should be eating some snob food designer chip make with No GM 100% organic almond seed oil or something. Whatever.

Dawn said...

I don't mind shopping with the kids. They have been getting a clothes allowance for years so I don't worry too much about what they buy, I just go do my own looking around in the store, then we find each other. I do wish they would all shop at the same time, rather than every couple of days I hear, "Can we stop here or here, because I need 'blank'?". I guess they haven't developed the planning ahead thing so much. I am working on that with them so when I do have time to make some stops, I ask "Does anyone need anything?" or "Where do you want to stop?". I think it is getting better.

Funny about the hits. I have not put such a racy post up to get those hits, and I kind of like it that way. Now if those donkeys annoy me to calling them by another name, that could all change.

I can pretty much eat anything for breakfast too.