Thursday, July 2, 2009

500 pages

Revised, rewrote, edited, added to and chucked out about 500 pages of text today. When I was done I had about 300 or 350 pages of decent text.

Yup, you read that right.

It was quite a day. In between that I photocopied, and handed out and explained a good portion of it too. Taught and organised, as well as sorted other stuff.....

Still more to re-do, but that was ENOUGH.

My brain is a wee bit weary.

Went for the simple dinner tonight, frozen pirogues and cut up raw veg. In bed at 9:30, well before Eldest.

We went mullberry picking after dinner with his pooch-y-ness.

Nice end to the night.

Weird day here in Canada, felt like Monday all over again, but it wasn't. I am all confused.

Gonna have to revise a bunch more tomorrow and decide what more I have to write for it.

Kinda looking forward to it, and kinda not.

The blog is definately getting the weak and moth-eaten tail end of my writting tonight.


dawn said...

Belated Happy Canada day. It sounds like you are really busy. You will have to go back to Spain to rest. It has been a weird week with the holiday in the middle.

mmichele said...

i am having the same monday/thursday problem.

J.G. said...

Holidays always throw me off. We are closed today (Friday) for the 4th and I already have no idea what day it is.

Editing is just as taxing as writing, I think. Sounds like you are quite the red pen magician!

Carla said...

Hope you feel better soon!! Hugs, Carla