Monday, April 21, 2014

out of date

went walking about two weeks ago, but it has been hectic.....

so here's a few photos from back then!!!

It is one of the few places in Catalunya that is kinda wet. Though we were also deliberately following the rivers for part of this route.

The rivers are also diverted into these canals for irrigation, we got to walk along them for a while too.  Seriously cool.

Saw some hot air balloons

Waded across a river, (very cold)

Saw a wee shallow cave

Visited an old castle

Saw an old church.  I love this face.

walked down a river bed, this is supposed to be moss, but I suspect that the guy upstream has siphoned off all the water, so the moss is dying.  Doink.

Swam!  No photos!  The water was SEriOUSLY cold!!!

And we saw some cows.

Lovely day, made even lovelier cause youngest came!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice! Didn't pick any wild asparagus on the way? :p