Monday, December 28, 2009

Pyjama party!

Between the man feeling sick, and me sleeping in the living room today turned into one long pyjama party.

Kinda nice.

Youngest was bribed into bringing me hot tea in bed...SWEET!  The puzzle was at the end of the table, the  book was handy and so was the ipod, kinda got up around four.  Decided the man was officially well, so I packed the bed away around six and we are pottering through the last few hours of the day waiting for bedtime - early.

Wouldn't want to do this all the time, but I certainly enjoyed it today.

Hanging around, reading playing with the kids....

A good day.


The Bodhi Chicklet said...

Oh yeah. That's one of my dream days. Haven't had a pajama day in a long time - five years or so but it's sweet when it happens. Even better is going to bed early that night!

Beth said...

Decadent, but oh so lovely to do once in awhile...

oreneta said...

Bodhi, it was heavenly.

Beth, agreed, only once in a while, but delightful when you do it.