Saturday, December 19, 2009

Toilets, kids and mushrooms. One of these things is not like the other.....

Here's something freaky I found while looking at toilets is so exCITing around here.....look-y here.  It's worth watching the video if you scroll down a bit.

I was hanging with a bunch of six year olds the other day, and they got talking about mushrooms.  Now this was a relatively random sampling of local kids, and these were some seriously knowledgeable little gourmands.  They were debating the relative merits of different types of wild mushrooms and where you could find they looked and what other mushrooms they look to clean them and cook them best.  Can I remind you all again that these kids are six.

We're not in Canada anymore, Toto.


J.G. said...

Impressive about the kids! I would have had nothing to contribute to that conversation what-so-ev-er.

Beth said...

Re: the link - of all the amazing (!) features listed, I found “Docking Station” to be the most amusing. TOTO toilets - the final frontier…

Vancouver Isle Doug said...

TOO funny!

oreneta said...

I would find that toilet JUST a little unnerving, especially if I hadn't been warned.