Thursday, July 26, 2012

fang i faldes

The advantage of running in a running skirt:  after landing on your butt in a gooey patch of mud, one can simply reverse the skirt when it comes time to get in the car and drive off!  VOILA!  No mud on the seats.

Another good day started with a mucky soaked again, this time with dew as I successfully forded the stream dry-shod.  

One does wonder, mid-stream, how things like that car door clicker thingy would survive a dunking.

Quan vaig a fer futing, porto una falda  - evidentment una falda fet expressament per correr (ho sento molt, pero l'ordinador que estic utilitzant no te accents!).  Hi ha alguns avantatges de portant una falda i un va sortir ahir.  Despres de caure sobre el cul en un quantitat ben ple de fang, fang molt enganxosa, a l'hora de pujar la cotxa per tornar, simplement girar la falda fins que tot el fang esta a davant i VOILA!!!! ni un toca de fang en la cotxa.

Vaig tenir un altre dia molt bon que comencava amb una excursio de futing ben fangos...les meves bambes estan xopats - aquesta vegada de rosada i vaig travessar la riu sense mullant les sabates.

Haig de rumiar, en aquest moments, com sortiria aquesta cosa amb els botons per obri i tanqui la porta de la cotxe si caic.....


Anonymous said...

I'll use this as an excuse not to be a runner: "because I don't feel comfortable wearing a running skirt" :D

The Bodhi Chicklet said...

The car door clicker thingie would NOT survive a dunking. Just trust me on that one. I can hardly believe it was a year ago that we met up in person. It scares the heck out of me how time warps and challenges. Let's hear it for mud baths!