I am sitting outside, in a sort of field, with the dog sacked out at my feet, with the sun going pinkly down to my left behind a big willow. Sounds great, but the bugs are also biting me.
Estic asseguda a fora en una mena de camp, amb el gos dormint als meus peus. El sol està baixant amb una posta de sol molt rosa a la meva esquerra al darrere d'un salze molt gran. Sona molt bé, no? Però les mosquits!!!
What we'll do for a good internet signal! Que faig per un bon senyal.
I was delighted today with the running. I was supposed to be doing a 45 min run with hill sprints tossed in, but I was running out of time and as I was driving to work I was talking myself out of the run. Then I got near the conservation area I had planned on running, and know what? I really wanted to run. As is, 'forget what I'm supposed to be doing, and let's go!' wanted to run. I only managed 20 min, but it was a great 20 min, immediately onto single track trails (YEAH), though it was flat as a pancake. Wonder if I can go again tomorrow? The Man's driving me to work tomorrow, so we'll see if he's game. Em trobava molt contenta avui, pel tema de córrer. Teòricament, feia unes 45 minutes amb pujades també, però quan estava corrent cap a on treballo estava pensant que no anés a córrer. Quan estava més a prop del parc a on he plantejat d'anar a córrer volia anar a córrer, però molt. Que bé! Nomes tenia temps per fer una 20 minutes, però era una 20 minutes espectacular. sobre camirols immediatament (YEAH) encara que era absolutament pla, era fantàstic. Estic pensant de tornar demà, per més temps. L'Home em portarà a treballar demà. Haig de mirar si ho volgués fer.
Oh, the bugs are getting bad, I've gotta go. Oi, hi ha MOLTES mosquits, haig de marxar.
Would lemongrass candles help for the mosquitoes?
Possibly, folks talk about citronella too. What would work even better would have been to get off the computer and go inside, no?
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