Wednesday, July 4, 2012

moving tomorrow, demà ens translladem

We're moving house again tomorrow, we've been with friends for a couple of weeks and now we're moving up to a cabin for the bulk of the summer...till we get on the boat!

The Man seems OK with it, enthusiastic, I wouldn't say, but OK.  Eldest seems reasonably cheerful about it and Youngest, depressed.

Here's hoping it all turns out well, and that a reasonably good time is had by all.  I may well have quite a bit of trouble posting as I am locked out of blogger at work, and the IT guy REFUSES to let me in again and the wifi connection up at the cabin can be SUPER slow.....

I am planning on writing at work in gmail and then I just have to copy and paste when I get home, let's see how it goes.  Writing may get a little sparse though given the challenges.

Ens translladem un altre cop demà, hem quedat amb amics per els últimes dues setmanes i ara anim cap a una mini-finca per la majoria de l'estiu fins que anim a la nostre barca!

L'Home sembla força content, i la Gran també.  La Petita no gaire.

Espero que tot vagi molt bé, o si no, força bé, o simplement prou bé.  Crec que tindré dificultats penjant aquí, no puc accedir blogger a on treballo i el informàtic ha negat en rodó de deixar-me entra i el wifi a la finca està molt a poc a poc.  

Estic plantejant d'escriure en gmail al despatx i ho copiaré i pegaré quan arribo a casa, mira com anim.  Potser no penjaré tantes coses amb tots aquests reptes.

The upside?  Looks like there'll be some great places to run just a short-ish drive away.  Looking forward to that.

El que trobo bé?  Sembla que tindrem unes llocs molt boniques per anar a córrer no gaire lluny d'on quedarem.  Això em dona ganes.


J.G. said...

"On the boat." Hm. Does that mean you will be in Florida in the near future??? Would love to show y'all some local hospitality!

Good luck with the move. A cabin sounds dreamy.

oreneta said...

I WISH!!!! NO, we'll have a couple of weeks on the boat up here in Ontario before we all go back to school etc.....local hospitality would be a dream!!! one of these of them, we'll be back again. Promise!

J.G. said...

Well, phooey! We definitely HAVE to do it -- yes, one of these years. I promise, too!!

(Glad you will be getting some boat time, even if not on the St. Johns.)

oreneta said...

Good, it's a deal!