Went to go running this morning, all dressed up, Chuck had his leash on, opened the door and.....there was a skunk, right there. Chuck went into stupid mode, trying to bark at it and got dragged back inside the screen while I stood on his leash. Adrenalin SURGED through his body.
He anat a córrer aquest matí, tot vestit, en Chuck lligat, he obert la porta i.....hi havia una mofeta allà mateix. En Chuck tornava boig bordant i li he tirat a dintre i he trepitjat la seva corretja. L'adrenalina ha anat donant voltes pel cos d'en Chuck.
We had to wait about 30 min before his royal skunkiness moved far enough away and Chuck calmed enough to go out. Enough being a relative term. Skittish is the word that comes most strongly to mind about Chuck's behaviour on this short run.
Hem hagut d'esperar unes 30 minutes fins que la mofeta ha sortit prou lluny i en Chuck li trobava una mica més tranquil. Tranquil vol dir menys histèrica. Espantadís potser serveix millor.
My speed was, shall we say, highly variable. Every time anything rustled in the underbrush, anywhere within hearing Chuck took off like a husky with a bear on his tail.....SPEED!!!!! Front of my thighs got a workout breaking more than anything else.
He corregut amb un ritme molt irregular, cada cop que hi havia una soroll al nostre voltant, en Chuck anava corrent com un gos esquimal amb un ós al darrere.....quina rapidesa!!!! Les meves cames han treballat, frenant més que res.
Here's hoping for a calmer run another day. Espero que tenim una excursió una mica més tranquil per la pròxima vegada.
Joys of a widely varied fauna!
good thing you grabbed him before the skunk set off his "dog diffuser"! That would have been bad for everyone.... : )
Wow -- close call!
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