Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Feet, colours and no more rodents, mostly.

Life keeps ramping up around here, I have more work, which is good, though I now realise that I officially have 45 minutes a week (not including weekends) which I can truly call my own. Better than many. Still....

I am kind of a visual person, funny that way, and I was getting overwhelmed trying to keep track of everyone's changing schedule. Can you relate? Bet you can. THANK goodness for the man, his is Straight. Forward.

So I did a little spreadsheet thingy...with a ruler and paper, I'm old fashioned that way...and then colour coded it all, blue for teaching, yellow for at home taking care of folks and hanging together, purple for Catalan classes, etc etc etc...What does this say about me I wonder....anywhoooo....the white parts are for me to get from one place to another, walk Chuck, though maybe he should get a colour too, now that I think about it, and for me, you see, for me, I could read, or nap or paint, or sit numbly on the couch looking at the schedule. There is very little white. Well, there is quite a lot if you look between 11 pm and 7 am. Hmmm.

There is 45 minutes of white. Fortunately in the afternoon when everything, but everything is closed, so I cannot run errands then. SWEET!

That said, I am intimidated a bit, though I knew it would be like this with the Catalan classes that EAT MY LIFE. On top of that I am debating getting up at 6 to do yoga before the day starts. I tend to debate this more around 11 am than at 6 am. I am very certain at 6 am. There is no debate at all, I am not getting up, TYVM.

On another note; I think I am going to, in all that spare time, try to Blurb my blog, and photos....then they are harder to loose and can sit on a shelf, almost like a real book....well, actually, as a real book. That would be the point.

I also think I need a pedicure. My feet have always been dry and rough, but this is getting silly ladies and gentlemen, aging seems hard on the feet. I was sourcing (on-line of course) home pedicure treatments...seems I need sea salt and olive oil...can do. Maybe nail polish (or maybe not). Also hot water. Check.

Seems it involves mostly soaking, scrubbing and moisturizing. I can do that.

Maybe I'll post a blow by blow of it, though I am a little horrified by how bad my feet look. Ho hum.

Was that WAY too much information? Who knows, after that nasty rat photo how scary can my feet be?


Anonymous said...

Lovely thought - just sitting there contemplating your feet!Relax for a moment or two!GM

Hula Girl at Heart said...

I think you should take that 45 minutes and BUY yourself a pedicure, a genuine pamper yourself with sea salt and nail polish pedicure that you can sit still and enjoy in relative peace. Be careful though. Once you do it, you'll be hooked. It's like crack for worn out mothers.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the pedicure :)

Anonymous said...

a pedicure? Bras, heels, this is the year of all changes for you :D

Anonymous said...

Hmmm.... I think you need to schedule in red colored spots for you and the Man... LOL!

Thanks for the Blurb book idea... who da thunk someone would come up with this idea?? I must look into it.

Good luck with the pedicure... and the rodents.

oreneta said...

GM, gazing at my toes makes a change from gazing at my navel I guess....

Oh Hula, what a temptress you are....now I am all about scouting out where to go. NOT in the village, not with these feet. They would ALL be talking about it. The horror.

Trish, that much better with a pro huh?

LP, that would be AGING....two pregnancies and more than a few years of gravity...plus some fun!

Carla, He's in there...yellow, and then there are all those blank spaces between 11 pm and 7 am....and blurb, doesn't THAT look amazing!

Anonymous said...

I have never had an official pedicure, but I have used Avon products. They have a nice Napa Valley grapeseed foot scrub that is amazing. I have also moisturized with the paraffin hand and foot and my feet do pretty well, with just what I do in the shower and a couple applications of lotion at night or in socks when I wear them and the odd filing of the dry skin on the side of my big toe (about once every two months when I don't do all the other stuff). I hope you get them all softened up.

Oh, and I can relate to the overwhelming schedule and busyness.