Vaig anar a fer bici de muntanya aquest matí, per unes tres hores. Molt divertit però feia un fred que pela. He oblidat les guants amb dits tancats i enlloc portava guants de bici amb dits a l'aire lliure.
Feia tan de fred que semblava que els meus dits estava cremant. Feia tan de fred que posava els meus mans, congelats, directament a la meva panxa. Brrrr, però valia la pena. Brrrrrr.
Went mountain biking today, for three hours, a good deal of fun, but COLD! I forgot to bring regular closed finger mittens and instead had on cycling gloves with no fingers.
It was so cold my fingers were buuuurrrrrrnnnnnnning, so cold that I put those red, numb frozen fingers directly onto my belly while cycling along. Brrrrr. Worth it, but Brrrrrrr
I'm reading Pillars of the World by Ken Follet - unputdownable! I've never read anything by him before as his name was familiar as a best seller writer and I thought that perhaps like Dan Brown he wouldn't be interesting. But I was wrong - as so often! - and it's a good story at the same time as teaching you a lot about church building in the middle ages. What a rough and violent time though! love Kate x
I did love that book and he's got quite a lot of thrillers which are good, though less educational. His latest 'World without End' though. Good god, the book without end, and I am a most patient reader. Glad you're loving it!
At least your fingers didn't fall off... That's the reassuring part. Be more careful next time, though. Painting gets harder without your fingers...
Paint with your toes? That'd sell a lot of Xmas cards.....
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