Friday, December 7, 2012

Lovely day out with the man, un dia molt maco amb l'Home

Went down to a neighbouring village with the Man today, as Youngest was off tobogganing with a friend, and got a tour of that town from a friend and local.  Very cool......neat to see it in a way we don't expect, learned a whole bunch, not just about the town, but about the economy of this area a hundred or hundred and fifty years ago....

then the Man and I went in to BCN together, I wanted to show him the area that I went around the other day, district 22 with all those cool modern we had lunch in the same restaurant, cause it was good and cheap, and they had an exhibit on about a topic the Man is currently obsessed with, entirely as a coincidence, I hadn't realised when we were there before, and beyond that  it was the last day!!! I'm sorry, but don't you usually come the day AFTER it closes, no?

We went and looked at the lovely buildings again, then went into Can Framis, which I have mentioned before.  The Man had the camera, which was a shame as there was some REALLY cool art in there, and I would have liked to take a picture of some of it.  But I wrote down names, lots and lots of names. It was all contemporary art, and I would say that a large percentage of it is Catalan and a HUGE percentage of it was excellent!

Here's a list:  Manolo Ballerteros, he was born in BCN, loved the piece they had.

Alfons Borrell  Love it.

Augustí Puig, who blessedly has his own website the painting on the front page of the site is in the gallery.  EXCELLENT, they had quite a bit of his work, and I love most of it. 

Pep Agut, who makes good art but has a definitely mediocre web presence

J Fín , who also has a rather thin web presence, but the painting I saw is here, though it looked better in real life.  I also have to question a little the definition of Contemporary if he's been dead since '69.  I know it's the permanent collection and all, but this is not a working artist, if you know what I mean.

Assumpció Mateu, with her own web page,  and a MOST impressive piece of art work in the gallery, could have looked at that for a very very long time.  And she has a blog.  I am more than a little in love.

Carla Tarruella, this site frankly does not show her best work, which is a shame.....

Josep Maria Riera i Aragó, lord I love his stuff.....

and then there is the sculptor with those iron cannon balls that I showed you the other day, Jaume Plensa on whose site I cannot find anything I recognise, but it is all good stuff anyway!

Now to write all this in Catalan!

Avui, l'Home i jo hem anat a un altre poble aquí a prop per dona una volta turística amb un natiu, era molt més que interessant i he aprés coses que no sabia mai, sobretot de la sistema econòmica d'aquesta zona fa un cent o cent i mig anys.  Desprès, l'Home i jo hem anat a BCN, per donar la mateixa volta que vaig fer fa uns dies, volia anar amb l'Home per ensenyar-lo els llocs que m'agradava tant.  Per sort, on hem dinat feia una exposició sobre una tema que està obsessionant l'Homa ara mateix, a més, acaba avui, no ahir!  No ho passa mai.  

Hem donat una volta pels edificis i a sobre hem anat a Can Framis.  Llastima, l'Home estava portant la càmera i no podia fer cap foto perquè els quadres són impressionant. Però, he notat uns noms dels pintors que m'agraden més, i ara pots anar a mira una mica també!  Són un grup de pintors amb molt de abilitat i em sembla que són quasi tots Catalans.

 Manolo Ballerteros, m'encantava l'obre que tenen.

Alfons Borrell  Fantàstic.

Augustí Puig, qui té la seva pròpia pàgina web i la pintura que surt a la web la tenen al museu i és EXCEL·LENT.  Tenen unes quantes quadres d'ell i la major part m'agradava molt.  

Pep Agut, qui fa bones quadres però qui té  una presencia al internet molt mediocre

J Fín , qui també té una presencia al internet una mica escàssa, però la pintura que he vist està aquí, l'imatge no surt fantàstic.  També tinc dubtes que és un artista contemporani si hagués morint a l'any '69.  Jo sé que la quadre fa un part de la col·leció permanent, però no és una artista treballant, si saps que vull dir. 

Assumpció Mateu, qui també  té la seva pàgina web, i un obre al museu simplement increïble, podia hagut ser allà mirant-lo per molt de temps.  També té un bloc.  Estic més que una mica enamorada. 

Carla Tarruella, aquesta pàgina web, llastima, no ensenya peces tan bons com té el museu....

Josep Maria Riera i Aragó, estic encantada.....

i per acabar, aquest escultor dels pilotes de ferro del altre dia, Jaume Plensa.  En la seva pàgina web no podia trobar ni un obre que reconec, però tot que mostra està bo.  Penso jo. 


Anonymous said...

Too bad you couldn't take any pics... But couldn't the man take the pics for you? :)

thecatalanway said...

That is so amazing! thank you so much for putting this here. I want to go to see all this! I just looked at Assumpcio Mateu - what a name by the way! Wonderful. And Josep Maria Riera i Aragó - I LOVE those.
Now I am inspired.
Me too I wondered why you couldn't take photos as I thought The Man was with you! But no matter - reading about it was enough. Kxxx

oreneta said...

The Man went to a different part of the museum as we didn't have much time. He was looking at photos from the 1930s, I was looking at paintings.