Saturday, December 29, 2012

Another day, more BCN, un altre dia, més de BCN

I started out in the Roman Tombs in Plaça Madrid...there is a museum there that I had never seen before, and it was good, except I walked REALLY bloody hard into a glass panel on the way out.  OUCH!  

Divendres, vaig començar per les tombes romanes en la Plaça Madrid, hi ha, fins i tot, un museu que no he vist mai abans.  Ben fet, malgrat que em vaig donar un bon cop al cap caminant directament a una mampara de vidre ben dur!  Feia mal.

They used to line the streets with tombs, and a street used to run right through here.  Els Romans van deixar les morts, bé, les tombes a les bandes dels carrers, i hi havia un carrer directament travessant aquesta plaça.

Then to the Cathedral, which I had never been in before cause I don't want to pay to go to a church, but that day, it was free.  BONUS!

Després, a la Catedral, que no he visitat mai perquè no vull pagar per entrar una església però aquest dia, gratuït!  Que bé!

This guy looks pretty disapproving.  For me the very best part was the choir, the wood work on that part of the church was simply astonishing.  Simply astonishing and is why I have included an otherwise quite fuzzy photo below.

Aquest tio, sembla una mica formidable, no?  Per a mi, el millor part de la catedral, per molt, era el coral.  La fusteria que van fer, fa segles, està simplement impressionant.  Preciós.  Per això he penjat la foto a baix encara que no està ben enfocat.

Then the the courtyard of a museum I think someone or other Marés, who did the Christ on the cross behind the alter in the Cathedral.  The courtyard there is lovely and quiet and peaceful, especially after the madhouse of the area around the cathedral.  A relief to relax and sit down for a moment, overlooked by these rather buxom gargoyles. Very odd, I'm going to ask Eldest what they are type of beast they may be, as she is pretty darned knowledgeable about these things.

Desprès el pati del museu Marés, em sembla, l'home va fer la creu principal de la catedral.  El pati m'encanta.  Tranquil·la i maca, més encara desprès de la gentada del catedral.  Pots descansar i seure per uns moments, amb aquest gargoles amb molt de pit mirant-te.  Són estrany, no?  Haig de pregunta la Gran de quin tipus de bestia són, ella té molt de coneixement d'aquest tipus de coses.  

Odd aren't they.    Estrany, no?

Finally, an odd old building, as it would have been before the civil war, I didn't take photos, which is a shame, I'll have to go back, and the Café Opera where I had never been before, but had heard of often.

Finalment, un edifici curiós i antic, com dels anys abans de la guerra civil, sense canvi ni neteja.  Llastima vaig oblidar d'agafar unes fotos, hauré de tornar i al Cafè Opera a on no he anat mai però havia sentit al nom algunes vegades.

Nice day.  Un molt bon dia.


Anonymous said...

Bosom and wings? I'd venture harpies, but I'm not sure what Greek mythology would have to do in a cathedral...

oreneta said...

Eldest thought sphynxs...I'll question Eldest....she says it's also a possibility!

Anonymous said...

Could be "Revived Sphinxes" too, I can't disagree with Eldest either :)