Saturday, December 8, 2012

Mig-marató de muntanya, Trail/mountain half-marathon

Trail/mountain half-marathon.  WAY undertrained, as in no training.

WAY fun.

Not the suffer-fest I anticipated, which was nice, and I had hoped to finish in 4 hours, and made it in three and a quarter, so that was pleasant indeed.

It was more like a gastronomic tour than anything else, they had feeding stations every 5K, every time you turn around, there was someone offering food.  Then a huge spread at the finish.

It was good fun, we ran on flat (boring) till we got to the base of the mountain and then basically ran straight uphill till we got to the top, and I mean the top, we had to clamber up using our hands in spots, and tiptoe along a ridge with serious falls on both sides.  Very spectacular views indeed.

Turns out I seem to have, basically, one speed.  I walk very, very fast, indeed passed people consistently while walking.  Running?  Not so speedy, still faster than I walk, downhill and on the flat, but I walk uphill faster than I run it.


Legs are a little tired, but no harm done, finished middle of the pack, the pack being a straight up finish order, no classes for men or women, nor age categories.  I simply finished middle of the pack....and as most of them were young bucks, that's not too bad.  That said, the guy who came in first did it in an hour twenty or so.  A good deal faster than me!  Correction, the men and women are separated, but at the time we left, the listings were still absolute numbers.

Oh, and in the swag bag, a tube of energy gel.  Tried it when I got home with Youngest.  Squeezed some into my mouth and my body gave out emergency signals, convinced I was eating hand cream.  That stuff is. not. food.


We threw it out.  NASTY!

Mig-marató de muntanya.  Molt insuficientment entrenada, vull dir, cap entrenament.

MOLT divertida!

No era la festa de sofriment que pensava que seria, excel·lent, esperava d'acabar en 4 hores, més o menys, i ho he fet en tres i un quart. Un plaer.

Semblava més una volta gastronòmica que una carrera, hi havia avituallment cada 5 quilòmetres, i una esmorza enorme quan hem acabat.

Ho he desfruitat, hem començat corrent per un part pla (avoritism) fins al muntanya, llavors, hem anat corrent verticalment fins al cim; i vull dir cim, hem hagut de grimpar per bon trossos i he havia una cadena estreta amb bones caigudes a totes dues bandes.  Vistes molt espectaculars.

Em sembla que tinc una sola velocitat, tan quan camino com quan corro.  Camino molt molt ràpidament, i corro força lenta.  Més ràpida que caminant quan baixo i quan la ruta va pla, però camino més ràpidament a l'hora de pujar.


Les meves cames són una mica cansades, però no m'he fet mal.  He acabat, em sembla al mig del grup, i grup vol dir tothom.  No hi havien categories d'edats ni d'homes ni dones.  El qui acabava primer, quedava primer.  Jo he acabat al mig del grup i hi havien molts nois joves i fortes, no he fet tan malament, penso.  Però....el primer ha acabat en una hora i vint, més o menys, MOLT més ràpid que jo.  Correció, hi ha grups d'homes i de dones, però quan hem marxat, les numeros encara eren absolutes, no dividits.

Llavores, els meus dos objectius complerts, no he trencat rés ni m'he quedat l'ultima!

Oh, i en la bossa de regals que ens han donat, hi era una contenidor de 'gel energètica'.  La Petita i jo el hem provat quan tornava.  QUE FÀSTIC!  Tot el meu cos ha cridat que estigui menjant crema hidratant pels mans.   Això No. És. Menjar.


Ho hem llençat.


Anonymous said...

Congrats! And ew with the gel. Are you sure it's not some kind of muscle relaxant that you're supposed to massage yourself with... :)

oreneta said...

The gel? I read the package TWICE, and you are supposed to eat it. Unreal. Gross too, have you ever tried one of those? *shudder*