Today my Catalan/English languages class got cancelled, then as Youngest managed to do something to her knee, my long run got cancelled to take her to the physiotherapist, but the physio didn't have time for an appointment, so that idea got cancelled. Youngest didn't go to school today to try and get this appointment, another type of canceling and as the appointment is for tomorrow at 9am, school tomorrow is cancelled as well, at least initially.
We've cancelled our trip away this weekend that Youngest and I were going to do, we were going ice climbing and snowshoeing with the local mountaineering group, but with her knee, that's out (which is frankly fairly disappointing, but what the heck). Cancelled.
Then my 12 o'clock class got cancelled - which was actually more than fine as it was foul and rainy out; I also cancelled meeting a friend to get boots for youngest, and cancelled the ride out to the mountains for the weekend with another person.
Then youngest and I settled in to eating, reading and watching Big Bang Theory, and as I have cancelled my strongly disliked 4 o'clock class on Thursdays - as Youngest gets home for lunch at 3:15 and I have to leave for work at 3:45, a schedule I - I had even longer to hang out at home.
Despite some and thanks to some cancellations , we've had a pretty good day, rather weekend-ish, and we've got tentative back-up plans put together for the weekend, soooooo
despite all the cancelations, it's been pretty OK in the end!
Avui el meu intercanvi d'anglès i Català ha estat anul·lat i que la Petita ha fet mal al genoll, la sortida llarga que volia fer corrent avui també ha estat anul·lat per portar la nena al fisioterapeuta, però la terapeuta no tenia temps per donar-nos un horari, llavors aquesta idea ha estat anul·lat també. La Petita no ha anat a cole avui, per buscar l'horari, un altre tipus d'anul·lació i que ara tenim un horari per demá, classes demà al matí són anul·lades per ella també.
Hem anul·lat el viatge del cap de setmana, hem pensat d'anar a fer pujades de gel i excursions amb raquetes de neu - estic força decebuda, però que pots fer). Anul·lat.
Més tard, la meva classe a les 12 ha estat anul·lat, que a mi ha anat molt bé, avui hem tingut un dia molt lleig, fred i vent i pluja. La Petita i jo hem quedat a dintre la casa, menjant, llegint i mirant el Big Bang Theory i que vaig anul·lar la meva classe molt desagradable a les 4 cada dijous - és que la Petita torna a casa per dinar a les 3:15 i havia de marxar jo a les 3:45, un horari que no m'agradava gens ni mica - llavors he tingut més temps encara per quedar-me a casa!
Malgrat algunes anul·lacions i gràcies a algunes altres, hem tingut un dia força bona, fins i tot ha semblat un dia de cap de setmana i que ara tenim plans secundaris per aquest cap de setmana que ve, llavors......
malgrat les anul·lacions, ha estat un dia bé.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Wander in BCN, mostly Montjuïc. Un passeig en BCN, majoritariament a Montjuïc
Looking in the window of the wood shop at the Maritime museum, I discovered a rowing shell being worked on. I thought it was an 8, but I showed the photos to the man and it's a 4 it would seem.
Neat, no?
En mirant a dintre el taller de barques de fusta al Museu Marítime, he trobat una barca de rem que pensava que sigui un 8, però l'expert m'ha dit que no, és un 4.
Maco, no?
Hi ha una 'passeig de fama' a prop del museu Olímpic a Monjuïc, i tenen aquestes plaques. Pau Gasol té peus MOLT gran! Jo porto un 40.
There is a 'walk of fame' up by the Olympic museum on Montjuïc and these plaques are embedded in the ground, I wear a 40, about a 9.5 or a 10 in North American size. Pau Gasol is a Catalan who is currently playing basketball for the Lakers at this point. He as some very big feet.
En Lance té peus força petits.... Lance's feet, not so huge, indeed, kinda small.
Found this statue that maybe could have been thought through a little more thoroughly. There is an engraving in the plinth here, so you have to stand pretty much this close to read it, and then when you look up? BAM! There's your view.
Maybe that's not the view I'd have gone for, no?
He trobat aquest estàtua, i penso que potser, van haver de rumiar una mica més abans de ficar-la allà. Hi ha un escrit en la bassa, i més o menys has d'estar en aquest lloc per llegir-lo i mires amunt i POW, en la cara.
Potser no és la vista que buscaria jo, no?
No he anat mai al nou Jardí Botànic, i no hem tingut temps per entrar-hi avui, aquesta vista a baix, és la sortida. Haig de tornar, un dia de sol.
I have never been to the new Botanical Gardens on Montjuïc before, and we didn't have time to go in, this is the view of the exit, and I have to say, that I'll be going back there, one beautiful sunny day.
A sculpture by Miró, una estàtua per Miró
Per obrir una porta, hem trobat un barri molt únic, de cases molt petites emplegat en el parc. Molt interessant, no un lloc on uns turistes voldria venir però a mi, el trobava fascinant.
We found an odd little neighbourhood with odd little houses folded into the edges of the park, it was fascinating, not a place tourists would go, but really neat. This is a door handle on one of the houses.
M'encanta aquests colors, i la pintura també.
I love the colours, and of course the prints too.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Caixa Forum
Love love love this museum. They have one space on the right, just after you get off the escalator, that always has fascinating exhibits. I don't always like them, but they are always fascinating.
M'encanta aquest museu. Tenen un espai a la dreta quan has just pujat la escala mecànica, que sempre té exhibicions fascinant. No les sempre m'encanten, però sempre són fascinandores.
As we went in the other day, there was this on the far wall:
L'altre dia, quan vam anar-hi, hi havia aquesta:
Here it is a little closer up:
Una mica més a prop:
And even closer:
I més a prop encara:
I put that purple one in, I wish to remain curious. There were a variety of wishes that you could chose from and put into those little holes. The ribbons were fascinating at first, but then you realise that there was actually a relatively limited number of options. So, cool, but, not quite as cool as it could have been. I'd be interested to find out where they came up with the wishes.
Vaig posar la lila, vull ser sempre curiosa. Hi era varius opcions dels desitjos per posar en aquests forats petits. Les cintes eren fascinant per començar, però, en uns moments, et dones que eren una mica limitades en la varietat disponible. Llavors, força interessant, però no tan ben fet com podria hagut ser. M'agradaria saber a on va trobar els varius desitjos.
Saturday, February 23, 2013
SNOW DAY! Dia de NEU!!!!
Someone really fuzzy in our house LOVES snow. En Chuck li ENCANTA el neu!
I jo també. Me too.
I went running this morning, and took a lot of pictures, the run was a little stop and go as a result, and I know if I had to run in it all the time, it would get old, but goodness it was beautiful this morning.
He anat a córrer aquest matí i he pres moltes fotos llavors la sortida ha anat amb bastant paradetes. Jo sé que si hagués d'anar a córrer amb neu sovint, em cansaria de seguida, però aquest matí? Espectacular.
We agree, no? Estem d'acords.
Went back out with Youngest and made this to entertain the Catalan kid who made it to the hills, they could see what a REAL snowman should look like!
Desprès d'anar a córrer, he tornat a les muntanyes amb la Petita, i hem construït aquest ninot de neu que tots els nens catalans puguin saber com és un ninot de neu de debò!
Lovely day.
Friday, February 22, 2013
A public library, una biblioteca publica
Like stepping into the past!
They even had self-help books!
Amazing place.....
Remember these?
Look at that....
This is part of the BCN public library system, a gift from a private donor. Amazing.
I am not sure that any of the books can be taken out.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Més muntanyes...more mountains
Many people here rave about one mountain that they love more than others, to me, I have to confess, I do not find a huge amount of difference between one and another. Probably some kind of a sin, but there it is. Last weekend though, we went to one that was quite a bit different.
Molta gent estan encantats amb una muntanya en particular, a mi, haig de confessar, no trobo molta diferencia entre una muntanya i una altra. Deu ser un tipus de pecat, però, és així. Però, el cap de setmana passat vam anar a una que és força diferent.
Els primes imatges són d'una casa que era fet en una vauma.
The first shots below are of a house that was built into a deep overhang in the mountains.
As you can see, there is a fair amount of air circulation, some of this would be to let the smoke out.
Potser una mica massa circulació d'aire, no? Deixaria el fum sortir.
Looks a little like Montserrat, and also reminded me a lot of parts of the US Southwest. Beautiful.
Sembla una mica Montserrat i també em fa recordar parts dels Estats Units en el sud-oest. Molt maca.
Can you see the mountain goats up there? Pots trobar els cabirols?
Can you see those tiny little people in there? I aquests persones, molt petites?
Lovely lovely lovely. Maca maca maca
Molta gent estan encantats amb una muntanya en particular, a mi, haig de confessar, no trobo molta diferencia entre una muntanya i una altra. Deu ser un tipus de pecat, però, és així. Però, el cap de setmana passat vam anar a una que és força diferent.
Els primes imatges són d'una casa que era fet en una vauma.
The first shots below are of a house that was built into a deep overhang in the mountains.
As you can see, there is a fair amount of air circulation, some of this would be to let the smoke out.
Potser una mica massa circulació d'aire, no? Deixaria el fum sortir.
Looks a little like Montserrat, and also reminded me a lot of parts of the US Southwest. Beautiful.
Sembla una mica Montserrat i també em fa recordar parts dels Estats Units en el sud-oest. Molt maca.
Can you see the mountain goats up there? Pots trobar els cabirols?
Can you see those tiny little people in there? I aquests persones, molt petites?
Lovely lovely lovely. Maca maca maca
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
hatin' odiant
Just found out that another friend has breast cancer. I was surprised today how easy it is to run when you're crying.
Not a bad run at that.
Fa molt poc he rebut una noticia que una altre amiga té càncer. M'he sorprès avui com és tan fàcil de plorar mentre estas corrent.
Fins i tot ha anat força bé, la sortida.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
grammatical challenge! Una repta gramatical!
Just saying, that writing super formal letters that are almost entirely in reported speech in another HARD!
Vull dir que escrivint cartes molt formals, tot en estil indirecte en un idioma que no és la teva, és molt DIFÍCIL!
Vull dir que escrivint cartes molt formals, tot en estil indirecte en un idioma que no és la teva, és molt DIFÍCIL!
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Backlog...coses pendants
This is one very very very large tree....... and very very old...a chestnut.
És un arbre molt molt gran, i molt molt vell. Un castanyer.
At the top of el SuÏ at Montseny, lovely photo I was thinking, but I failed to notice that it looks just like a turd. It's actually a big pile of small rocks designed to hold the flagpole up, but it really just looks like a turd. A shame.
Cap a dalt del Suï a Montseny. Pensava que seria una foto molt maca, però no vaig donar compte que sembla una cagaro amb una bandara fixat. En realitat, és un petit puig fet de pedres petites per aguantar el pal per la bandera, però sembla més una cagaro. Una llastima. Però a l'hora, hi ha bastant de caganers i tot això per aquí Catalunya, potser va bé, no?
Views from Montseny. Vistes des de Montseny.
Tagamanent with the sun setting behind it. Tagamanent amb la posta del sol.
My commute to work. A on vaig per anar a treballar.
This weekend? Worked and napped and ran and walked and talked and reorganised Youngest's room. WoW, that was a bit of work, but I think she's happy with it now.
Aquest cap de setmana? Vaig treballar, vaig fer una migdiada, he anat a córrer i caminar i parlar i fins i tot, hem reorganitzat l'habitació de la Petita. Deu n'hi do, això era feina, però em sembla que està contenta amb el canvi.
És un arbre molt molt gran, i molt molt vell. Un castanyer.
At the top of el SuÏ at Montseny, lovely photo I was thinking, but I failed to notice that it looks just like a turd. It's actually a big pile of small rocks designed to hold the flagpole up, but it really just looks like a turd. A shame.
Cap a dalt del Suï a Montseny. Pensava que seria una foto molt maca, però no vaig donar compte que sembla una cagaro amb una bandara fixat. En realitat, és un petit puig fet de pedres petites per aguantar el pal per la bandera, però sembla més una cagaro. Una llastima. Però a l'hora, hi ha bastant de caganers i tot això per aquí Catalunya, potser va bé, no?
Views from Montseny. Vistes des de Montseny.
Tagamanent with the sun setting behind it. Tagamanent amb la posta del sol.
My commute to work. A on vaig per anar a treballar.
This weekend? Worked and napped and ran and walked and talked and reorganised Youngest's room. WoW, that was a bit of work, but I think she's happy with it now.
Aquest cap de setmana? Vaig treballar, vaig fer una migdiada, he anat a córrer i caminar i parlar i fins i tot, hem reorganitzat l'habitació de la Petita. Deu n'hi do, això era feina, però em sembla que està contenta amb el canvi.
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