Sunday, February 3, 2013

Backlog...coses pendants

This is one very very very large tree....... and very very old...a chestnut.

És un arbre molt molt gran, i molt molt vell.  Un castanyer.

At the top of el SuÏ at Montseny, lovely photo I was thinking, but I failed to notice that it looks just like a turd.  It's actually a big pile of small rocks designed to hold the flagpole up, but it really just looks like a turd.  A shame.

Cap a dalt del Suï a Montseny.  Pensava que seria una foto molt maca, però no vaig donar compte que sembla una cagaro amb una bandara fixat.  En realitat, és un petit puig fet de pedres petites per aguantar el pal per la bandera, però sembla més una cagaro.  Una llastima.  Però a l'hora, hi ha bastant de caganers i tot això per aquí Catalunya, potser va bé, no?

Views from Montseny.  Vistes des de Montseny.

Tagamanent with the sun setting behind it.  Tagamanent amb la posta del sol.

My commute to work.  A on vaig per anar a treballar.

This weekend?  Worked and napped and ran and walked and talked and reorganised Youngest's room. WoW, that was a bit of work, but I think she's happy with it now.

Aquest cap de setmana?  Vaig treballar, vaig fer una migdiada, he anat a córrer i caminar i parlar i fins i tot, hem reorganitzat l'habitació de la Petita.  Deu n'hi do, això era feina, però em sembla que està contenta amb el canvi.


thecatalanway said...

I've not seen that castanya yet but want to get there. Looks like a wonderful day - was it windy? Very windy here so our walk was short and rapid. Love that you cycle along the sea front to work - that is one of lifes pleasures and must make you so glad to be here! K x

Anonymous said...

I wish I had had a commute like that when I lived in Paris... :)

oreneta said...

Kate, it is impressive, not elegant and soaring like some of the trees I've seen in North America, but it has presence.

ElP, I am well aware of how lucky I am, every single time I ride it.