Thursday, February 28, 2013

Day of cancelations, el dia de anulacions.

Today my Catalan/English languages class got cancelled, then as Youngest managed to do something to her knee, my long run got cancelled to take her to the physiotherapist, but the physio didn't have time for an appointment, so that idea got cancelled.  Youngest didn't go to school today to try and get this appointment, another type of canceling and as the appointment is for tomorrow at 9am, school tomorrow is cancelled as well, at least initially.

We've cancelled our trip away this weekend that Youngest and I were going to do, we were going ice climbing and snowshoeing with the local mountaineering group, but with her knee, that's out (which is frankly fairly disappointing, but what the heck).  Cancelled.

Then my 12 o'clock class got cancelled - which was actually more than fine as it was foul and rainy out;  I also cancelled meeting a friend to get boots for youngest, and cancelled the ride out to the mountains for the weekend with another person.

Then youngest and I settled in to eating, reading and watching Big Bang Theory, and as I have cancelled my strongly disliked 4 o'clock class on Thursdays - as Youngest gets home for lunch at 3:15 and I have to leave for work at 3:45, a schedule I - I had even longer to hang out at home.

Despite some and thanks to some cancellations , we've had a pretty good day, rather weekend-ish, and we've got tentative back-up plans put together for the weekend, soooooo

despite all the cancelations, it's been pretty OK in the end!

Avui el meu intercanvi d'anglès i Català ha estat anul·lat i que la Petita ha fet mal al genoll, la sortida llarga que volia fer corrent avui també ha estat anul·lat per portar la nena al fisioterapeuta, però la terapeuta no tenia temps per donar-nos un horari, llavors aquesta idea ha estat anul·lat també.  La Petita no ha anat a cole avui, per buscar l'horari, un altre tipus d'anul·lació i que ara tenim un horari per demá, classes demà al matí són anul·lades per ella també.

Hem anul·lat el viatge del cap de setmana, hem pensat d'anar a fer pujades de gel i excursions amb raquetes de neu - estic força decebuda, però que pots fer).  Anul·lat.

Més tard, la meva classe a les 12 ha estat anul·lat, que a mi ha anat molt bé, avui hem tingut un dia molt lleig, fred i vent i pluja.  La Petita i jo hem quedat a dintre la casa, menjant, llegint i mirant el Big Bang Theory i que vaig anul·lar la meva classe molt desagradable a les 4 cada dijous - és que la Petita torna a casa per dinar a les 3:15 i havia de marxar jo a les 3:45, un horari que no m'agradava gens ni mica - llavors he tingut més temps encara per quedar-me a casa!

Malgrat algunes anul·lacions i gràcies a algunes altres, hem tingut un dia força bona, fins i tot ha semblat un dia de cap de setmana i que ara tenim plans secundaris per aquest cap de setmana que ve, llavors......

malgrat les anul·lacions, ha estat un dia bé.


The Bodhi Chicklet said...

This sounds like a classic Mercury in retrograde day/moment. And yes, Mercury is retrograde (since last Friday or Saturday). The key is to relax into the "new and imposed" schedule, let it flow. And it sounds like you are doing just that. Now, tell me, what were you thinking going ice climbing and snowshoeing? Aren't you living in Spain?!

Sam said...

sounds to me like the universe was trying to get you to take some time off! never a bad thing!

At least your cancellations have had a mostly, positive effect! LOL!

Hope you enjoyed your day off and that your weekend plans are even better than the original.