The day started out when I was walking the dog, there were these two guys right in the center of town trying to catch the pigeons, and no they were not apparently lunatics..they had one an a string and they were waving it around trying to get the others to come down. Chuck was barking manically at them and I wasn't trying to stop away fly away!!!
On further thought they may race pigeons, or have homing pigeons they were trying to recover....still it was pretty odd....
I ran around in the spare moments this morning buying yummy yummy food...I may not post tomorrow, and almost certainly not on Saturday and Sunday as we are going away for the weekend to see some of the man's family...they are kind wonderful lovely people who adore good food so I have been buying up some of the best that the local artisans provide....oh my...
In desperation I went into the local farmàcia for cream for my hands, despite the fact that the woman only spoke Castillian I got somewhere, though one look at my hands made it fairly clear what the problem is...I am now sporting two seperate creams..that pink eraser looking job is basically straight paraffin mixed with enough lanolin to hold the mess together, then a hand cream...offer up hope for me, I need it...
I got home from work, which mercifully two students had missed allowing me to work on my MOUNTAIN of Catalan homework...and it was brutal too. Conditionals and subjunctives and words that resemble English ones just enough, for instance: while, during and if, but used differently enough to leave me baffled...I got through it all thank goodness.
When I got home the house was strangely burglary never crossed my mind...we don't have all that much of value....I asked Chuck what had happened, he wasn't talking....turns out the telefonica guy wanted to come in...he ended up changing the box in the wall and gave us a new phone as well, all covered that wasn't so bad, and I didn't have to do anything but sweep up after the guy...clearly all Spanish workmen believe that their mothers follow them around cleaning up after them...he didn't even throw his garbage out. Grrrrr....
I found these boots in the hill, they fit Eldest.....
Walked the dog, met a hunter in the hills complete with a gun. My buddy, a different one, pointed out that she could give me a lift part way to BCN next fall so I could do classes at that time even though I cannot leave our place till later as I will have to walk youngest to school every day as eldest will be off at the local high school....that makes me feel much better about not taking Catalan after Xmas....the pressure is off.
Work this evening was fine, but I ended up leaving early, as there was a house invasion just down the street complete with a gun....the husband of one of my fellow teachers went into the building because he heard screaming and was rewarded with a gun to his head. This was the second time in two weeks in the same house, the first with a gun. As the man says, that sounds a little fishy. They kept the kids that were in our building there for the duration of their lessons, and phoned everyone who was supposed to come for the next and cancelled it. I found out when I got downstairs. Youngest and the man had been walking past about five minutes before the incident when he picked her up from my work, and eldest was running around town with some friends trying to get a project completed.
Eeee Gads.
Everyone here keeps telling me that it is a small town, it's safe. It is old news in NA that small towns are no safer than a big city....same here.....though what is different here, I imagine like any small town, is that you know the people when these things happen, it is not anonymous at all.
Then again, this is what I had for breakfast...maybe it wasn't such a good idea...strange breakfast=strange day...tortilla with romesco sauce, blue cheese and cucumber. It was really very good..I had Earl Grey tea with it...very very nice...
Time for bed. I'll try to post tomorrow, but most likely not till Monday.
A very interesting breakfast and day. It is a little scary to have burglaries going on so close to where you live, certainly with a weapon. I hope the catch the guy.
That is quite the day. You mentioned guns twice....can people have guns without registering them? I remember when I was in Spain, switchblades were at the corner store. We thought that was pretty neat. I could tell you a very scary story about switchblades when we went to Morocco, but that will be for a post sometime in the future.
Scary news about the home invasions.
Let me know how the hand creams work - my skin is starting to crack with the cold weather.
Have a good weekend - I've just "returned" and you're now "away."
Burglaries, scary. There's more going on all the time, and they are more and more violent all the time.
Ureadin is a great cream, but you do know what the important ingredient is, don't you? You guessed it -urea! That whole peeing on your hands thing I told you about is true, so they made a synthetic urea for use in creams (at least I hope it's synthetic). ;)
Dawn: Yup, it was a little scary...there's no way around that...they haven't caught the guys yet that I know of.
Sidar: As long as there are guns, people will have them without registering them...that said, I don't know what the system is here. I'll ask.
Beth: The creams seem to be helping...I'll let you know how it holds up...
Theresa: I have to go and read those ingredients the same token, if it works....
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