Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Horse riding. Muntant cavalls.

A friend here used to be a really really big horse rider, and still has a lot of contacts within the local horse world, which we know almost nothing about.  We know a few people, but little more.
Un dels nostres amics aquí feia temps, passava molt de temps muntant cavalls i fent cursos.  Encara coneix molta gent en aquest mon, que no sabem ningú nosaltres.  O quasi ningú.

Anyway, our buddy invited Youngest and the Man and I to go riding!  He used to teach and all.  Youngest was more than ecstatic.  Glee might be about right.
El nostre amic va convidar la Petita i l'Home a jo d'anar a muntar cavalls.  Va ensenyar fer-ho i tot.  La Petita era molt més que contenta.....

We went off today.  Youngest did pretty well indeed, I did fine, nothing stellar, but nothing bad either.  The man got up - I had to leave and go to work - and he reports no natural talent at all, but it was fascinating and he can see why people would enjoy doing it.
Hem anat avui.  La petita ho ha fet força bé, jo, mira, ni bé ni malament i l'Home?  He hagut de marxar per anar a treballar i no li he vist molt, però diu que no té cap facilitat, però era fascinant i pot entendre perquè gent li encanta fer-ho.

Now youngest is (of course) asking for lessons. Evidentment, la Petita vol fer classes.

We'll see, but maybe, just maybe, we can scrape that together. Hem de mirar, però potser...potser....podem organitzar-lo.

It would be lovely to have access to a horse and to be able to take it riding up in the mountains, but that ain't an option.  Estic d'acord amb l'Home, seria molt genial tenir accés d'un cavall, que pugui muntar i anar al muntanya, però no és un possibilitat.


Anonymous said...

I guess the budget for a horse would be quite different from the one for hiking gear, would it not? ;)
Anyways, maybe it's possible to get organized horse rides in the mountains, occasionally. When you'll look at the courses, maybe they'll also have pamphlets on that kind of stuff too. ;)

oreneta said...

Indeed.....I am going to be going to the nearest second hand store to get some new hiking pants. Mine are pretty much dissolving. I think they'll come in a little cheaper.

It doesn't really matter about going into the mountains on horseback, I can definitely see the attraction, but it is pretty splendid on foot too.