Thursday, September 27, 2012

I've got another job! Ja tinc un altre feina!!

This year's schedule left me with every night full, and every day free, nice in it's way, but if you've got a kid in school, no so much.  You see, as she gets home, I more or less go out and then come back quite late. Such is the life of a language teacher.

El meu horari aquest any m'ha deixat amb cada nit omplit i cada dia lliure.  No està mal, si no tens nens al cole.  En aquest casa, no tan fantàstic.  Mira, quan la meva filla torna a casa, més o menys, jo me'n vaig, i torno molt tard.  És la vida típica d'un mestre d'idiomes.

In the quest for more daytime hours, I have been sending my resume around, and it has paid off!  A new school, I am the only teacher other than the owner.  The pay is very good indeed, my boss, very young and very enthusiastic and hopefully it will grow to more hours, which would be great.

Per buscar més hores, he enviat el meu currículum per amunt i avall, i valia la pena!  Tinc treball en una acadèmia nova, sóc l'única mestre amb la propretària.  Em pagarà bé, la meva cap és molt jova i té molta entusiasme i espero que les hores de treball aniria expandint, serià molt bé. 

All I need now is a bike to get there.  Sadly my beloved Stumpjumper, which I held in my hands a mere week and a half ago, is in Canada, so I have to get another one here.  Looking forward to a little bike commuting!  Especially since most of it will be along the beach.  Sweet sweet sweet.  Remind me to pack my suit!

Ara, tot que necessito és un bici per anar-hi.  La meva bicicleta, una Stumpjumper, que m'encanta i que vaig tenir en els meus mans fa només una setmana i mig, és en Canadà, llavors haig de buscar un per aquí.  A mi em ve molt de gust anar amb bicicleta!  Especialment perquè la ruta que faré va per la platja.  Quuuueeeeee  béééeéééééé!  Haig de recordar de portar la meva banyador!!!


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the job! Maybe instead of a bike it'd be the perfect opportunity to horse ride to work :D

thecatalanway said...

Congratulations that sounds like a good thing so you can have some evenings free. And the bike ride along the beach is the cherry on top!
See you soon love Kate xxx

Beth said...

That will be one of the nicest commutes ever – and to stop off for a swim?
Sweet, indeed.