Working with kids and teens as I do, for at least part of my job, I have noticed two odd things in the last few days:
1. Kids here don't want to be fire fighters, which I do find odd as such a huge proportion of Canadian kids do.
2. Kids, even twelve and thirteen year olds find the concept of a banana split gross. Simply disgusting. This may be a root difference about why folks here aren't so wildly obese as in N America.
Odd, no?
Oh, and can I just say that this has been heck of a long week and I for one am profoundly glad to get to the end of it.
Treballant amb nens i adolescents com faig, dues coses una mica estrany han sortit en els últims dies:
1. Ni nens ni nenes aquí volen ser bombers quan facin grans. Trobo rar quan tants nens en Canada somien de ser bombers!
2. Nens/adolescents de dotze o tretze anys aquí troben un 'banana split' simplement repugnant. Fa fàstic. Potser ara podem endevinar perquè la gent aquí no són tan obès com en l'Estats Units.
Estrany, no?
I, vull dir que ha estat una setmana sense fi i per a mi, estic MOOOOOOlllllllttttttt contenta arribar al final de setmana.
Molt agraïda.
That's very amusing :). Maybe they think about a way to lay out the banana split that would be gross :D. French kids have no problems at all with that desert. So what do your Catalan kids wanna be when they grow up? (note: I never wanted to be a firefighter, oddly enough)
Odd, at age 8 wants to be a banker?!?!?!?!?????
Two want to be cops ?!?!?!?!!!??????
Especially here in Spain and Catalonia, now...this was weird to me.
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