Thursday, March 28, 2013

Day 2, Mallorca. Dia dos, Mallorca

Day 2 dawned sunny and beautiful, and we were walking along a coast trail beside the sea.  Stunningly gorgeous the entire way. Honestly this trail and walk was amazing.

Dia dos, quin dia més maca, passejant a costat del mar.  Absolutament impressionant per tota la ruta.  Sincerament, aquesta ruta em deixava boca abada.

We got into a largish town and we had a 800m or so climb to get up to the refugi where we were to spend the night.  However, after the 10 hour day the day before, one person with a sore back, another with a busted boot, and two others with a sore leg (one with a cold to top that off) and one simply tired too close to her limit, it was decided that we would catch a cab up the hill.  I was absolutely fine, but as I have a rather challenging weekend this weekend as well, skipping this 4 hours straight of climbing seemed a good idea.  A wise choice for all if we were to continue to enjoy the following two days as well.

Once at the top we went for a bit of a walk (with another charming Mallorquí told us to b*ugger off) to look over the edge where we were to have climbed from, you can see it in the picture below.

Vam arribar en una poble més gran i després vam haver de pujar una altra muntanya per unes 800 metres, o quatre hores de pujada, més o menys.  Però el dia abans vam fer 10 hores, una persona li feia mal l'escena, una altra ha trencat una bota, dues més els feien mal una cama i un d'aquests era constipada a sobre, i una simplement al límit.  Vam decidir de pujar al refugi en una parella de taxis, saltant aquesta pujada per desfruitar molt més els dies seguënts.  Una decision ben fet.  

Un cop arribat, vam donar una mica d'una volta (amb una altre Mallorquí molt gràcios ens va donar una butifara metaforicament) per veure la vista d'on hauriem hagut de pujar.  Ho pots veure aquí a baix.

Looking down the valley towards the lake where the refuge is.  Aquest a foto està mirant enrere del vall, i el refugi és a costat del llac.

There were lots of cows up there.  Hi havien moltes vaques allà.

Lots of very curious cows!  Vaques molt curiosos!

And sheep, who decided it would be a good idea to hide away from the wind on the front porch of the refugi, which would have been OK, except they kept BAAAAAHHHHHhing, know what?  THey're really loud early in the morning.

I unes bens amb nens que van decidir d'amargar-se del vent al porxo del refugi, no ho seria una dificultat si haguessin parat de cridar.  Van fer molt de soroll al matí.

The refugi was my favourite, no electricity, no water.  Heated with a fireplace inside and we cooked on a fireplace outside.  There was a single small room, about 30 by 15 feet, with a loft up stairs just big enough for four people to sleep side by side.  No matresses (though I brought a sleeping pad and was very glad I did), and we kept the fire going all night.  One man got up around midnight and put some wood on, I woke up around 4 am, the fire was nearly out and it was getting cold.  I had a debate about whether it would be better to wake everyone up by getting the fire going again, or let everyone wake up cause they were cold.  Went for the fire in the end, had to go outside to get some kindling, glorious night out, huge cold sky and big mountains all around.  Blew and stoked the fire back into life and crawled back into my sleeping bag.

Aquest refugi era el meu preferit, ni electricitat, ni aigua.  Té un llar a dintre i un barbacoa de llenya a fora.  El refugi és una sola habitació de 9 per 5 metres, més o menys amb un espai a sobre la taula a on quatre persones poden dormir un a costat l'altre.  No hi han matalases (vaig portar una estarilla i estava molt contenta que ho hagi fet), i vam mantenir el foc per tot el nit.  Un home va aixecar a les 12 per posar més llenya i jo vaig despertar a les 4, el foc gairebé mort i feia una mica de fred.  Vaig rumiar per un rato si seria millor despertar tothom fent foc o deixar el refugi que refredi i tothom desperti pel fred.  Vaig decidir de fer foc, vaig sortir per llenya petita, quin nit més esplendoros un cel enorme i fred amb muntanyes encerclant-nos.  Vaig fer el foc i em vaig gatejar al sac de dormir un altre cop.

What a wonderful night.  Una nit molt especial.


Sam said...

Beautiful pictures!! it sounds like you had a lovely time despite the crappy locals. I love your new cover pic...random cows and sheep....ha! always suspected they were loud... :)

oreneta said...

It was truly a fantastic trip with a lovely group of people too. One for to remember