Went and got this on Saturday, I was looking for a slightly larger bag, so that I can bring a sleeping bag with me as well as what I need for just one day. Have a four day jaunt coming up, and had to bring a few extra things!
Dissabte, vaig anar a comprar aquesta, buscava una motxilla una mica més gran, en que pugui posar un sac de dormir a més del que porto de dia a dia quan camino. Aniré a caminar per quatre dies en una estona, i hauré de portar unes coses més del que porto normalment.
Wanted a bag without a zipper as the damned things give out and then the bag is basically shot, unless you know someone who can put in a new one, and I wanted a bunch of big outside pockets, and some pockets in the waist belt, kinda doesn't have that. Also wanted a rain hood for it, but it didn't come with that either, can't have it all. Grocery bags are still the answer it would seem there.
Volia una motxilla sense cremallera perquè les trenquen i de seguida no tens una motxilla si no coneguessis algú que la pugui reparar. També volia moltes butxaques a fora per ser senzilla d'accedir i unes en la cinta - la de la cinta no ha sortit perfectament. També volia que tinguessi una tapa impermeable, però això, no ha sortit en cap manera. Haig de continuar amb bosses de plàstica dels supermercat.
Took it for a 60K test run on Sunday, and it was pretty darned good. A little tweaking will have to take place to figure out the most comfortable options, but I'm pretty happy too. The walk was good as well, 62K, 2570m of climbing, about 200 more of descending, fairly quick too. All around pretty lovely.
Diumenge, la vaig portar per unes 60 quilòmetres, va anar molt bé. Hi ha alguns canvis que faré, i encara estic experimentant amb la millor manera d'ajustar-la, però estic contenta. La caminada va anar bé també, molts quilómeters, molts metres i en bon temps.
Nice. Was there supposed to be a picture, though?
Will post that tomorrow
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