She just doesn't seem very sick, and I get frustrated at what she is missing. Not very rational.
I think it is a combination of concern and dismay. Why it makes me irritable though?
Eldest is unfortunately missing a field trip today, and if she doesn't get better, another one tomorrow.
There is a weird continuum of sympathy for the sick, isn't there?
Stubbed toe? Get over it. Cough? Here's a Kleenex. Vomit? Here's a bucket and a head stroke. Cancer? I'm there around the clock.
aww, I hope she feels better soon,....cuz she aint gettin any sympathy from you! ;)
Ah...poor thing. I thought I had the only kid who got sick on field trip day...
Jocelyn: You nailed it exactly...
Beth: I sound like such an evil mom don't I.
Tracey: Thanks for coming by, this same kid managed to get sick for her own birthday party too...we had to cancel and reschedule that as well...
Good for people to know.
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