You see it is a different kind of smoke...
Smoke from these:
You can read last year's post about this event here and here and there are more photos, also from last year, in this album which has photos of the castallers as well.
Really quite sick. He has been infected with a disease that affects dogs. It is a warm climate illness that exists around the Med, the southern US, throughout central and south America, Africa and Asia.
He is a most unwell puppy at the moment. It is not contagious to humans, and it must be vectored through a mosquito for several days before it is transmittable. He will carry it for the rest of his life, and whenever he is ill or stressed it is likely to flare up.
He has pain, discomfort, joint ache, fever and he is tired.
The medication seems to be working though, and yours truly is giving him an injection every day along with pills. He seems to be in less pain, as in he will walk up and down the stairs and is willing to sit again. He also has some more energy, but nothing like normal. He is interacting with us more as well and has retained his sweet and patient disposition throughout. If anyone knows some way to stop a dog from licking at cuts that would be great...he has a couple of open sores that he will. not. leave. alone. I need to put anti-biotic cream on them, he views it as a light snack and tries to lick it off my fingers before I even get near the sores.
The disease is potentially fatal for dogs, but we have caught it early, and if we have any luck at all the medication will work, and he will be fine; on pills for the rest of his life, but fine. Fortunately the meds are cheap here.
Poor pup.
The buildings have been largely and vastly reconstructed because in the early 1800's, after the monks were forced to flee, the local population largely destroyed the buildings. Out of revenge, out of poverty, out of retribution, to search for riches, goodies and easy building supplies, but mostly to find and destroy the documents that held them in serfdom on the land. They could finally, for the first time in generations, own the land they worked.
This is a modern concrete fabrication of the very damaged original pedestal for a column in the cloister,
And his back end too.
At the tops of all of the columns, the capitals, there were different carvings, each and every one unique. Some displaying incident in the life of Jesus, others animals, and others I know not what, I like this fellow though...he seems medieval and modern, and content and thoughtful.
This is the cloister itself, the pavings and diggings you can see in the middle are the remains of a paleoChristian church, which was itself built on the remains of a Roman villa. It's been a busy place for a long long time.
The kids are listening to You tube while I type some Rihana and Yellow and more Rihana about her Umbrella, plus something about rehab
She's having a lot of fun with it.
On another note altogether, I went to a talk last night about the importance of reading, of honouring the word.
The speaker LOVED words. He was an old guy, who had written a whack of books, and he raised several interesting points (that I understood, I imagine he raised more, but I didn't get them all...MAN could he talk fast).
One person in the audience asked how he felt about kids reading on-line, blogs, papers, whatever...his response was that a word is a word, and reading is reading be it on paper, or electronically. He maintained that there are blogs out there that are incredibly literate, and beautiful to read, that he can get the news he wants faster on-line than through the paper, that the political and analysis pieces he can find on-line are more timely, thoughtful and well written than much he finds elsewhere.
I was surprised a bit, I think partially because somewhere inside me lurks a paper snob. I don't value reading on-line the way I value reading a book somehow, which is strange considering the proportions of time I spend doing each; though if I had access to more written media in English, that ratio would change...
Somehow, I don't feel that reading on-line is of the same qualitative value as reading a book. Simultaneously, I don't agree with myself (aren't we humans amazing!?!) This is something else I have to work my head around, I am still not sure what I think. I am not sure that placing a value judgement is even relevant, like trying to decide whether writing with a pen is or isn't really writting. Maybe only writting with a pencil is true writting.
Sounds silly that way doesn't it.
Do you feel a qualitative difference between the two? How much do you read on line vs. on paper?
I feel a survey coming on...