Sunday, November 30, 2008


That would be Catalan or Spanish for hehehehehehehehehe, hahahahahahahhaha.

Sorry about this folks, but as I have spent almost the entire day on it, you're gonna get some Catalan GRAMMAR!!!


Ho sento tothom, però fins que he gastat tot la dia amb això donaré...GRAMMATICA catalan!!!


Even a bilingual blog...for the moment.

One of my two joys of the day...dur/endur and portar/ emportar.

These are four different verbs, but dur and portar are exact synonyms; and endur and emportar are as well. You might well ask yourself why this is necessary. I have.

El blog està bilingual...per ara.

Un dels coses que vaig disfrutar més avui...dur/endur i portar/emportar

Són quatre verbs diferents, però dur i portar són synonims exacte: i endur i emportar son lo mateix. Potser et demanis perquè ho és necessar...ho he fet.

HOWEVER...dur and portar signify that you are carrying something, which endur and emportar imply that you are bringing something from somewhere specific. Not something we pay a lot of heed to in English...but what the heck..

First mystery solved, thanks to some friends,

Tot i que...dur i portar significan que estas portant alugna cose, mentre endur i emportar diuen que estàs portant alguna cose des de una lloc especific. No ho és important en anglès, però...perquù no?

Second mystery...s'hi and hi. Hi is a pronoun that signifies place, for instance, "Mauritius is a place where there are lemurs.

s'hi is a combined pronoun..the Catalans LOVE these and they are killers, s' indicates him or her or them, and hi is a place, so you have a combination of where they. For instance, "the market is where they can buy fruit." but they combine the words to make a new kinda word. Gak.

El segon misteri...s'hi i hi. Hi és un pronom que significa un lloc, com:"Mauritius és un lloc on hi ha lemures.

S'hi és un pronom combinat...els catalans li agraden molt, i són fatal, el s' indica ell o ella or els o les i hi és un lloc, aixì teneu una combinacion de hi i se, com:"El marcat s'hi pot comprar fruites." però els pronoms s'n combinat i fen una quasi nova tipus de paraula. GAK.

If you made it to the end of all that you deserve a medal. I have probably just lost the last three readers of this site. Ah well.

Si heu acabat tot això, hauríeu de guanyar un premi. Devia perdut els ultims tres persones qui llegir aquest pagina web. Una llastima.

Hoping your weekend was less grammatical anyway.



kate said...

This is interesting, especially because those things do not exist in Spanish. I once (as in, before having kids and going back to school) was toying with the idea of learning Catalan. I even have a "Teach Yourself Catalan" book, but it is way too hard without some sort of class or teacher or at the very least, audio CD. Do you speak French at all? If you do, is it helpful, or more confusing?

Beth said...

You're so brave! I don't know how you can face it!!

French is positively a piece of gateau compared to that!

Anonymous said...

I so admire your language ability!! What talent!

MaR said...

Why make it easy when it can be made complicated?? :)
You are doing wonderful, love reading you in Catalan!
Off to the city (wow), I have a list of things to do and buy. I'll miss a coffee with you, but maybe next time.

Angel said...

my weekends usually consist of "ugh"

BLOGitse said...

uhhuh, Catalan seems to be more diffucult than Spanish...

Must be hard to study...grammar, argh! I'm so bad in grammar, in every language...snif! But I communicate and that's the main thing! :)

oreneta said...

Kate... the French helped a lot when I first started, and at some level still does. Interestingly, while we both think of language acquisition, I can understand French better than I used to be able to, but I cannot dredge up a word. I can barely count to ten, and I used to be able to get by...badly, but....the Catalan is parked firmly on top and all that arrives when I look is catalan.

Beth, I struggled with French for a LOT of ain't easy either.

Carla, the catalans say about not particularily bright students, but hard working ones that they are ants. as in Sóc un formiga. That's me with languages. I am plenty bright enough on many fronts, but with languages, for is pure grind. How I wish there was some talent there...there isn't though. Blech.

Mar, I thought of you today...too bad that didn't work out. Please don't tell me how bad my Catalan is, m'kay? I shouldn't really speak. English is hardly crystal clear and wildly phonetic either. Hope the Japonese was good. Mmmmmm

Beth. Sometimes ugh is good. Sounds like your last weekend wasn't so bad..aside from the drive.

BLOGitse... that's what EVERYONE tells me. It is makeing me look forward to learning Spanish. Almost.Communication is the main thing. I still confuse people though which frustrates me.

Diane...honestly, don't be. I just am not all that good. Though I am really excited that I am now reading a novel at an almost normal speed and ENJOYING it...That is of course in Catalan. I am impressed by that. Have you read "The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas"? I will have to read it in the original English afterwards. Geez, that almost sounded like gloating. Allow me some excitement though, no?