Saturday, January 5, 2013

Bumf or bumph and a bit about today...Bumph i una mica sobre avui

Avui, més o menys, ha estat un dia de fer exercici i parlar català!  He anat a córrer/caminar amb tres altres persones, molt més forts que jo, afortunadament, estàvem marcant una ruta a la muntanya i hem parat molt sovint.  He tornat a casa, i un mitja hora desprès, hem sortit, les nenes, jo i un amic per anar a caminar per tres hores.  Les cames estan ben cansats, i tot hauria hagut ser més agradable si no hagués fet malbé l'escena aquest mati.  Un mal gest estupidíssim, he agafat una samarreta, i PAF, l'escena fotuda. Que bé.

Today was spent exercising and speaking Catalan.  I went to run/walk with three other people, much stronger than me who fortunately were working on marking a trail for an upcoming race so we stopped and started.  Thankfully.  On returning home, I showered, attempted to stretch, but found myself jamming up while lying on the floor, and stuffed some food into my mouth, then out again with the girls and a friend, the one I do language with and today was CATALAN!  My legs are pretty darned tired, and it all would have been much more fun if I hadn't thrown out my back this morning.  I had the temerity to pick up a t-shirt, of all the ridiculous ways to hurt yourself.  So far, not too bad, but not comfy at all.

On another topic, this is one of the coolest videos I've ever seen, a tour of the space station!  It's long, but worth EVERY minute!

Canvi de tema, aquest està un dels vídeos més interessants que he trobat mai en la vida.  Una visita guiada de la estació espacial!  Llastima, està en anglès, però si pogués entendre una mica, val la pena, però molt.

Un altre curiositat que he descobert, hi ha una paraula en anglès que es diu 'bumph o bumf' i vol dir tota la propaganda i publicitat que surt a fires i llocs toristics.  Ve des de les paraules 'bum fodder'  que vol dir coses que alimentar el coll, i va des de 1889!  Deixe'm clarificar.  Són coses que pots utilitzar per netejar el coll a lavabo.  Paper higiènic abans de quan ho van fabricar expressament.  

Something weird.  The word bumph, of bumf, originates in 1889 and means bum fodder!  As in stuff to wipe your b*tt with! TP!!!!  From Mirriam Webster.

Sorry about the asterix,  we have net nanny here that we CANNOT make go away.


Anonymous said...

Careful there with the bag. The Heavens were trying to tell you that today was topless day, I suppose...

Anonymous said...

the back! not the bag...