Thursday, January 3, 2013

I am so far behind in posting! Estic molt enrerre amb penjant no

Today....I still have posts from before, lots of them, but, bless her deprived and desperate Pho missing soul...she begged us to find a pho place in BCN, and with the wonders of modern technology, we DID! (they've even got perfect English in the menu!)

Avui....encara tinc moltes coses per penjar de fa dies, però Petita, que tenia tantes ganes desesperades per menjar pho que va plegar i plegar que trobem un restaurant en BCN....i amb els miracles del tecnologia...ho vam trobar!

And today, we went.  Avui, hi hem anat.
Verdict?  El Veredicte?

So good I forgot to take a picture.  Tan bona que he oblidat de fer una foto.

Mmmmmmmmmmmm A little slice of heaven.  Going to be going there R.E.G.U.L.A.R.L.Y.
Sincerament....anirem allà regularment....que bé.

I did manage a picture of dessert, tapioca pearls (green) and melon in coconut milk.  MMmmmmmmm He agafat una foto del postre....perles de tapioca i melo en llet de coco.  Mmmmmmmmm

I will be taking Catalans there and trying to convince them of the greatness of this food.  Different from the pho stores in TO (miss the tea, both during the meal and bubble tea afterwards) but Mmmmmmmmmm.  Portaré els meus amics catalans allà, intentant de convertir-los de aquest menjar. No el mateix com els restaurants de pho a Toronto, trobo a faltar el te, tant a començament del àpat com al final, amb 'bubble tea'!

Oh, and some random and surprisingly gentle graffiti below.  I love the graffiti here in BCN, most is crap, but some is EXCELLENT.  Maybe I'll make it a resolution to bring a camera with me more and take more photos of graffiti!  I, com un bonus, uns grafits, sorprenament dolc...m'encanta els grafits aquí BCN, la majoria està fatal, però ni han alguns que son excel·lent!  Potser per aquest any, intentaré portar la càmera més sovint i faré més fotos del grafit.

Also went and worked on a boat this morning, pretty darned good day, if I do say so myself!

També he anat a treballar a un barco aquest matí...quin dia més estupend.


Unknown said...

That is the most gorgeous graffiti I have ever seen. Wow! So pretty!

Anonymous said...

Very nice graffs! I found some Pho places in Prague as well that I've been wanting to try for a while. And saw a bubble tea stand, tried it, and got very very disappointed...
The quest is not over...

oreneta said...

LwK, Graffiti isn't normally so pretty is it.....

ElP, I saw a bubble tea place here in BCN one time, and couldn't stop, simply no way, I will have to try and find it again and give it a go. Go try the Pho and let me know what you think! Maybe you'll be better with the photos than I was. Though next time, I may manage some.