Friday, January 4, 2013

The other day, in BCN, we went scouting a new route. L'altre dia a BCN vam anar a buscar una ruta nova

M'encanta BCN, i fa uns dia, mentre estàvem buscant una ruta nova, vam trobar aquest barco al Port Vell, és un replica d'un Galió tradicional d'Espanya, (el tipus que en Nelson va guanyar la guerra)

I love BCN, and the other day, while wandering around new areas, we found this boat in the old port, a replica of a Spanish Galleon, from Cadiz.  I believe that would be the kind of boat that Nelson bested, if I am not mistaken.

Mira,  See?

Haig de dir que haurien de tenir vergonya per la manera que van deixar les veles.  Seriosament, molt mal fetes.  Com sí fossin roba bruta deixat per netejar.  Quan pleguis les veles per anar a un port, han de ser així!  Veus com les veles estan rectes, netes i a SOBRE els pals?  Mira la barca aquí en BCN.  No està igual.

I do have to say though that the way they furled their sails is simply embarrassing.  Seriously badly done, as if they were the dirty laundry hung out to air.  A harbour furl leaves the sails tight neat and bundled ON TOP of the yards, like this link!  See how neat and tidy those are?  And the boat here in BCN, not quite the same:

De vergonya, això.  Bloody embarrassing.


Anonymous said...

You should have boarded and shown them how it's done :D

oreneta said...

I was sorely tempted, but their foot lines looked pretty awful, which may account for the rather horrific furl. Folks trying to work are frightened for their lives and the skipper no longer actually has a cat 'o nine tails and the right to use it.