Monday, January 7, 2013

Eldest has returned to Canada, La Gran ha tornat a Canadà

Youngest and I consoled ourselves with a Big Bang Theory marathon.

Started back to work today at one of my two jobs, real life tomorrow.

My back is doing better.

That's about all I have to say, except that Eldest left me a Terry Pratchett I haven't read yet, Snuff.  I have to put it into the suitcase when I finish so I remember to bring it back to Canada.

La Petita i jo ens hem consolat amb una marató de Big Bang Theory.

He tornat a treballar avui a un dels meus dos llocs de treball.  La vida real començarà demà.

La meva esquena ha millorat força.

No tinc molt més a dir, excepte que la Gran m'ha deixat un llibre de Terry Pratchett, Snuff.  Vaig haver de prometre-la que el posaré en una maleta quan acabí, que recordi de portar-lo a Canadà.


Anonymous said...

Big Bang Theory is good for consolation. Although I wish they didn't use the laugh box so much...
Good that your back is getting better :)

The Bodhi Chicklet said...

How is it going with Eldest so far, so far? Wondering how the grounding is settling beneath both of your feets.