Cold cold cold cold cold.....
I have been cold almost all day.
Seems silly living here, but many places, indoors, are either unheated - one of the places I work - or grossly underheated, and combine that with tiled ground floors with no basement, and you have some seriously chilly tootsies!
At least in Canada once you get inside, it's actually warm. Though that said, it's been quite a bit warmer there than here lately, so what the heck.
Fred fred fred fred fred fred fred.......
He tingut fred per quasi tot el dia.
Sembla una tonteria, vivint aquí amb tant de fred, però molts llocs no té calefacció - un dels meus llocs de treball per exemple - o són increïblement insuficientment escalfats. Si combinés això amb terres de rajola sense subterrani i els peus queden com blocs de gel.
Al menys a Canadà quan entris una casa o edifici, per fi, està escalfada. Però haig de dir que Toronto ha tingut temperatures més altes que les nostres aquí...mira, que podem fer.
Snow came back here today :)
I'll trade places with you at the moment
You know, I can actually understand that. As a perpetually cold person (before peri-menopause I regularly wore socks in the summer), I can see how well we insulate ourselves, our bodies, our homes, in preparation and duration for the cold months. I imagine when it's cold there that it is damp. And damp cold creeps into my bones and stays there. I'm shivering just thinking about it. At least it is short lived (no 6 month winters there!). And one day I will not worry about a flake again. One day....
ElP! YEAH SNOW!!!!! Though I've honestly had a lot of the stuff and I am not all that excited.
Trail....I know what you mean...but it isn't that pleasant either, though I am now bundling up a little more.
Bodhi, it is damp.....and the floors! It's like living on a skating rink! Not quite, but very nearly.....
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