Look at that....Nomad sent it to me. Isn't she wonderful. Gosh I love her. Even when she doesn't send me beautiful, lavishly photographed drool inducing books....oh my. What fun I am going to have with this....I love these two writers/cooks/photographers/travelers/parents.....they do so much of what I love and they write about it so well, and the food is so delicious....they have a bunch of books.....
This is also a good anti-dote for what I have done. I have gone all N. American and over-scheduled myself and the kids. Damn it. I hate that. There are two real culprits....first is my crappy working schedule which has me working at least a part of every night....the other is the Catalan class which is eating my life. Eating it whole. Like a giant shark. I love it, and I am learning tons...but oh my goodness, does it ever slice whacking great chunks out of my day....
It is only till December.....then one of the other teachers has a baby and things are likely to get busier....
Of to go drool on my new book....and study Catalan.
Thanks Nomad, you're a dream.
Beautiful looking book. Lucky you.
But when are you going to find the time to bake???
That book looks good enough to eat. Over-scheduling is not just a N. American thing. I have plenty of Spanish friends who are too busy to even breathe. All the kids have more extracurricular activities than they can handle, and all the parents work, then go to classes after work, and are chauffeurs for the kids in between. What ever happened to having free time and just enjoying life? These days that's considered a crime. :)
Beth: I LOVE to bake...as long as I don't HAVE to bake. It is the kind of cooking that gets great feedback...not too much work, it is fantastic to eat and everyone is so happy you did it.
Theresa: Ah well, I try not to wherever I am, and it has happened...It is short term, after Christmas when my Catalan classes are over, things will get easier. The evenings will still be mad, but at least I can get most of the errands done before everyone gets home.
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