Every single last one of them.
However, we have in our house a mechanical contraption that completely stymies them all. None of them can maintain it, though they can all operate it. There are models that are infinitely more complex, and we are lucky that ours is so simple to maintain. Simplicity is something I ADORE.
I am the only one who services this thing. The man will deny this. I have my doubts.
Just call me handy! Capable! Knowledgable! A citizen of the world.
Do you want to know what it is? Are you itching to know???
Here it is:
I should count my blessings, at least they all operate the thing, but really...am I alone out here in always finding the TP sitting on the back of the john when there is a perfectly serviceable holder????
Very funny and yes, I mean NO you are definately NOT alone...
My pet peeve as well...
Ha again! I knew what it was going to be before I scrolled down to see the picture!
I have to admit that I have been known, on occasion, to leave the roll on the back of the john, but at least I make sure there's a roll within reach. This involves a trip into the other bathroom, since we don't have anywhere to keep TP in the master bath, and it is definitely a pet peeve to discover at the most inopportune time that the roll is empty...
And in my defense, just today I changed a roll and put it in its holder!
Worse? To discover an empty toilet paper roll on the holder and NO new roll on the back of the john!
That is funny, and I have heard tale us such dysfunction in families ;-). We do not suffer this disability, but there is a situation in which only one person fills the soap dispensers, and there is much wailing and gnashing of teeth by the filler. Good luck in changing your situation.
Haha, you know what? That's the good thing about living by yourself. After all this time spent by myself, I don't even have to think to refill... it's automatic.
Not sure I should put that on my dating resume, though... :D
But do you put it on the right way round? (Paper hanging away from the wall)..............
I'm with Beth. My kids always use up the last bit of paper (after all they are notorious TP wasters) and never get out a new roll. And on the rare occasion that they do remember, they put it facing the wrong way. Ah well, such is life.
Cheers (see, I did read your last post) ;)
Not only am I the only one to put a new roll on the hanger, I am also the one who fills up the soap dispenser and Q-tip holder, stocks new towels and throws away empty shampoo and conditioner bottles. Anyone got a martyr button I can borrow? A faded lilly for my chest?
Nomad, glad you got a laugh, I kind of do to. Sometimes.
Kate, we thankfully can store it under the sink, I don't even have to get up to get another roll.
Beth, I know I know I know....
Dawn, I didn't go into other issues, it is treading dangerous ice...yup there are certainly things that I don't do...
Elpadawan, that should definitly go on the resume, along with no pee on the seat and the seat put back down..believe me, these things count!
Anon...there now I know what I do wrong. I don't have the faintest idea which is the right way around...are there two camps here that argue visciously about the relative correctness of the toilet paper direction?
Theresa, yeah, and then there are the empty rolls on the floor too....
Hulagirl, I've gotta have some kind of faded lily kicking around here somewhere for you, I'll go look...it's probably in behind all the toilet paper rolls.
Even though I am a guy, I'm with you on this one. And your holder is even really simple to replace the roll on. I frequently replace our roll. Dawn has it in a little outhouse replica that holds the using roll and 3 or 4 spare rolls inside the door. You would be surprised how many times I have found 1 square of paper on the roll...
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