Youngest complained the other day that she was tired of wearing long pants and wants to get back into shorts again. I told her the Canadian Embassy would come and take her passport away. It is February for crying out loud and she can wear shorts at least once or twice a week. What is she complaining about. In TO we would have been out of shorts by the end of September and not back into them until at least the end of May, here there are about 6 weeks where she will only wear them about once every two weeks, maybe less...the rest of the time, I am thinking of sandals. I suppose it is all a matter of what you are used to. Then again, we viewed shorts as unnecessarily sweaty in the Bahamas....
Now I don't want to seem to be rubbing it in, cause this post is more about gratitude then showing off, or at least that is my intention, I took some photos of flowers that are growing around here to show all of you who are still snowed under. When I was in TO I would have appreciated the opportunity to recognise that the darned things still exist...and that some day.....
Back up at the top, that is some kind of sweet little flower tucked in with the long-grass. Undoubtedly a weed of some sort, but lovely.
Below is a succulent, I think, and I can tell you no more in any language.
An almond tree in blossom. How I love them.
I even saw ants today!!!! LOTS of them!!!! WOW!
And no, I haven't approached the wifi again since the last post, no emotional stamina.
someone here told me that those are a kind of aloe, related to the aloe vera. all the ones that look like that with the apiky flowers are aloes.
Thanks for the spring preview.
We've been having a (temporary) rise in temperature - lots of snow has melted. I can see dirty grass!
We all seem to prefer the weather elsewhere. As someone who lives in a sub-tropical climate, I long for cooler -- even friggin' cold -- weather. That's why i put in for Toronto over San Juan, Puerto Rico, for an upcoming business trip in early March. And since you guys are familiar with that area, I'm counting on a restaurant recommendation (or two) when you have the time.
oh what I would give to see ants!!! ;)
and ya, quit complaining eldest....come live with Auntie Beth for a while...then you'll see...
The one plant looks kinda like a red hot poker- at least by the flower. The rest of the plant does not.
Hmmm... i'm thinking about your bathroom cupboard challenge... pretty funny!
Mmichele, I could believe that, and they are almost certainly native to where you are, not to here....
Beth, I love it when the grass and mud appears and you can SMELL again, smell earth and mud, and well smell anything. Love that....
CS, yes indeed...I could give you some reviews depending on what kind of food you like.....
Hey Auntie Beth, sounds like today is ok anyway..and yes, they don't know how freaking lucky they are.
Carla...GO GIRL! Dying to see inside the cupboard, what have you got to lose but your blog readers anyway???
That did all sound a bit Monty Python old gits sketch! Young people of today.....!
I spent my early years in Canada and it hasn't toughened me up at all. I am like Goldilocks. I don't want it too hot or too cold!
It occured to me that you have no idea what I'm talking about
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