Saturday, May 14, 2011

Youngest having a good day!

Youngest and I went into town today, and we had a LOVELY time.  We got her really nice sandals, we found her favourite flops in a current size, and she got surf shorts for swimming, plus we bought a beautiful tea pot for me, at youngest's urgings.  She also had a double scoop of delicious icecream and a really good pasty with fresh cheese and spinach in the middle.

Then we went to the Med and she swam at the beach,  I found a little beach glass and the water is a beautiful colour.

Later she's going to l'Esplai, which is basically packs of kids running around the village doing activities while all the parents rest....

but for now she's eating chocolate cake in the bath.

Sweet, no?


The Bodhi Chicklet said...

Yes sweet! I love how some days just come together sometimes. Yeah for that because there are enough days when the opposite is true. It's been so long since I've eaten chocolate cake in the bath but I have to say that it sounds like a wonderfully and splendid way to enjoy life.

Anonymous said...

sounds like it's also making your day a good day, ammirite? :)

J.G. said...

Being along when someone else has a great day makes for a good day, too. And hearing about it produces some reflected glory. Happiness all around!