Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Snake-y kind of moments.

1. The man yesterday, out of the blue, started telling me about the snakes around here.

2. The school where I teach was inordinately cold today, and between classes I kept having to go out front and sit on the curb trying to rebuild some warmth in my body....very herpetological of me.

3. While walking His Chuckiness in the hills today I saw a big snake! It was probably three feet long (or a meter for you metric types), skinny, poo brown with some darker sections, but no stripes and a skinny head....and a very long skinny tail.

Chuck was profoundly disinterested. I was deeply fascinated. It was all coiled up and forgive me, but I thought it was an uncollected turd at first, then it moved....

I am still kicking myself for not bringing the camera.

I cannot identify the animal despite a half hour search online.

Ah well...it's not a photo blog I suppose.

Coming soon to this space...scorn, mothers and teens...where's the line....


Beth said...

During your search did you come across any pictures of water snakes? Some of those suckers are huge! Have only seen one - once - in the lake and that was enough.
Looking forward to scorn, teens and mothers...

Hula Girl at Heart said...

Ha! When you find the line let me know. I'm searching for it too..frantically.

mmichele said...

i LOVE your snake-y poem.

oreneta said...

Beth....seen one...they are intimidating....we even saw one way the heck out to sea in the Bahamas once...I think he wasn't headed for land anytime soon....

Hula, I have more questions than answers...I'm a newbie at this...

Michele...I was quite delighted by it too...I had never read it before but did a good old Google search for snake poems and up it came...I love it.

Anonymous said...

I find it so frustrating when I forget the camera for events and also for things where an awesome photo unfolds and I am there to see it, but now camera.

In your post below, that is amazing tile detail work.

elPadawan said...

You remind me that I saw at the Toronto Zoo a very interesting demonstration about snakes in Ontario :). I barely know anything about snakes, sorry I can't help you identifying this one :(

oreneta said...

Dawn, it is the photographers mantra....always bring the camera...always bring the camera, I try, but can't always...sometimes I sketch if I get the chance...

elPadawan, the snakes in Ontario are basically harmless, you may see some garter snakes this spring, there are quite a few in the city, and nothing is venemous in TO...they can get hurt if they bite you though, so unless you know how, don't pick them up...I do sometimes though....again, I am disobedient that way sometimes.