Thursday, June 12, 2008


Went to the dentist yesterday - it's 6:10 am - I have to say, the modern technology just keeps improving the experience. Now, while I cannot say it was a pleasant experience, it wasn't unpleasant either, she used this little water-spraying grindy thing to clean my teeth rather than those dreadful hand tools with the hooks on the end that they periodically jab into your gums, and which make this horrific noise and crunch as they tear things off.

Sorry, hope you've had your coffee already this morning.

You know what the other really pleasant thing was? Her attitude. Now I don't know about you, but my experiences with Canadian dentists has always been that they try to make you feel terribly guilty that you are not using dental floss three times a day, that it has been six months and *gasp* three days since your last visit, and that you do not brush with the perfect (current) technique. Then they top it off with scare tactics saying that if you don't mend your sinful ways, you will end up and agonized and toothless old hag.


Not motivating.

This was nice! She said that I actually have really very clean teeth, a small problem here, it might be better if you try not to scrub so hard when you brush them, cause it's kind of pushing the gums up there, there as a little more tartar over here, you must be missing it, but overall things are great!

It was also only 45 Euros, not $250....

Mostly though, at the end of the day, I felt collaborated with, not brow-beaten and threatened. Maybe it is just me, but I think I am more likely to mend my evil dental ways faster with this approach, though maybe I'm strange that way.


Hula Girl at Heart said...

I'd like to say I would too. However, I'm just lazy when it comes to flossing. I think it's because I follow the rules for everything else, and I have to rebel at something...anything.

MaR said...

Where is your dentist? mine charges twice as much (Ronda del General Mitre)

oreneta said...

Hula, I know just what you worried can you get about gingivitis for heaven's sake in a world with global warming, Iraq and aids...then again, at least I can have a definate impact on gingivitis with little effort......I rebel in my entire life choice, we are hardly conventional.

My poor kids.

Mar, she's not in BCN, and the ink is still wet on her diploma....

elPadawan said...

$250? even 45€ seem too much for me... I don't recall my mother paying that much for regular dentist sessions, back then...

Anonymous said...

I am not a flosser either and when I went to get my teeth cleaned the last time, the hygienist didn't brow beat me as she has in the past. She must now consider me a lost cause. The dentist looked at my teeth and said they were very nice and clean.