Sunday, July 13, 2008

This drive went better

Thanks to our darling friends lending us a Harry Potter on tape this drive went a little more smoothly....I even got some pants for the kids which really needed doing....Eldest now bears a striking resemblance to Avril Lavigne...startling.

We stopped off at Petroglyphs provincial park...which was amazing....I couldn't take photos as they people for whom it remains a sacred sight have requested that we don't. They solve that though by allowing us to make rubbings of models of some of the carvings. Maybe I can get a photo of that posted up....

I have to go to bed, sorry there is no more today....

A series of vignettes maybe in the morning...

Hope you had a great weekend.


elPadawan said...

great week-end indeed, this provincial park must have been very nice :)

Beth said...

Glad you made it back safely - that is a long drive!

Xavier Macia said...

elPadawan ,I would recommend the was pretty cool, though not really a wilderness experience...fascinating nonetheless.

Beth, so nice to hear your voice. It was too long, but we got through it.