Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Jason tagged me with the 6 quirky things meme...I'll play. The problem of course is that I am completely devoid of quirks. It is everyone else in the world that is weird. Really.



The man is out sailing right now, if not we could have an interesting marital time as he tried to come up with quirks that he could mention without offending me. It's kind of fun to put him in those very nearly no win situations sometimes and see how he gets himself out. I'm just sort of playing with him...

but he's not here.


Lets see.

Quirkiness number 1. Too bad the kids are in bed, I am sure they could come up with something....moments later.....I just poked eldest awake. She says that I am all quirky, nothing stands out. Now that seems a contradiction in terms doesn't it? Is it entymologically possible to be entirely quirky?

Hmm, still at number 1. Here's one: I seem to have largely stopped rolling over in my sleep. I wake up with a very sore shoulder and then roll over. Why oh why can't I seem to do that while still sleeping? I'm told I can grind my teeth while sleeping, why not roll over?

Number 2: Ooops...I got caught up in the Olympics, more quirkiness to follow....tomorrow.


kate said...

I remember several years ago in an English class I was teaching the students were talking about "manías" and asked me for the word in English, which I couldn't think of at the time, but later realized it was "quirks." They also asked me what mine were but I couldn't think of any-- still can't, really. I mean, is it just something you do differently from most people? Things that you are slightly compulsive about? I have many traits, both positive and negative, but not sure what I would consider "quirks."

Though I'm pretty sure I did this meme so I must have come up with something vaguely quirky...

Beth said...

I prefer to think of our personal quirks as simply making us each unique.
Looking forward to reading #2-#6 as to your unique personality!

elPadawan said...

odd. quirks is a new word for me :)

Jason, as himself said...

Well, if you can't think of any, you can always just out the quirks of others like I did.

Terrie said...

Here is one of yours. The whole soap/shampoo thing!
Mine would have to be I don't make my bed in the morning but I can't go to sleep at night until the sheets and blankets are all neet and straight

oreneta said...

Kate, I have also done this meme before, so I am a little stumped for some of my more obvious ones, like my loathing of refridgerators...

Beth, unique...yes...what makes me so unique...I can think of some of that.

elPadawan, that's what it's all about over here...something new....

Jason, I'm getting there, don't worry...I am quirky, just some are so very obvious...

Terrie...soap? shampoo? The fact that I use shampoo to wash all of me, and my laundry to sometimes? That could be construed as quirky....and I am the Op-po-site with the sheets...gotta mess them up or my feet feel all bound up. Weird.