Sunday, June 26, 2011

Back in North America

Flew back to TO and managed to get some sleep last night so all is pretty darned good.

There was some minor excitement in the airport however.  A woman was running, barefoot, through the airport without any bags or baggage.  This is after we've gone through security and immigration checks.  Not only was she running barefoot through the airport, she was also crashing blindly into people, walls and whatever else got in her way.  Then she would sit down with folks, take their water and drink it.

Can you say HIGH as a kite?????  Either that or she hadn't taken her meds.

Eventually I went over to a booth and mentioned to the ladies there that someone should call security.  This lady was clearly in no state to fly and I have NO idea how she got through...though the fact the women's bathroom was closed for cleaning for more than half an hour argues to some shenanigans in there as well.

The guardia civil came and took her away, a couple of young guys who seemed fairly civilised.  I was a little concerned when they showed up.  She was completely non-responsive verbally, and would follow directions for a few seconds before beginning to wander again.  Then she started pulling up her dress and showing people her undies (blessedly she was wearing them).

Tourist? Local?  Don't know.  Sad though.


The Bodhi Chicklet said...

Sounds like a fine send-off! I am assuming this was in the airport in Spain...

oreneta said...

Yup, in Barcelona.

thecatalanway said...

Wow she must have been sent to take your mind off Chuck! great story. K x

Anonymous said...

wow. I've never seen something like that in an airport. And I had my share of spending time in airports...

Hula Girl at Heart said...

Well, it's kind of nice to see that someone besides us runs into weird stuff at the airport. Very sad, though.

oreneta said...

Kate, it worked too!

ElP..NEVER!?!?!?! I met Barça in the airport once, and the Toronto Maple Leafs too!!!

Hula...see...I'm not the only one!

Vancouver Isle Doug said...

Gee, somehow I always seem to miss all the fun stuff out there in the big world! Sounds entertaining, to say the least. Hope you are having a good time in Toronto.