Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Well, that was rewarding. LLavors, ha anat bé.

The list for today went well.

1. The market
2. Run 5K 45 min, 20 min pilates!
3. The Man and Eldest go off to apply for her DNI and passport.  Wish them luck and a half Well, they went off, and of course, didn't have all the papers, so this has been added again to Friday's list.  ho hum.
4. Buy tickets for Canada for us and the dog YIPEEEE!!!!!
5. Finalise the place to stay for Canada...fingers crossed YIPEEEE!!!!!
6. Buy tickets to see a concert in BCN Not done, but off the list as I'll be in Paris that day.  See below.
7. Transfer money at the bank to reserve my place on an upcoming excursion
8. Prep for a course I'm taking on Fri morning Not possible due to a dead link.
9. Buy tickets to a different concert, hopefully Not done, no reply to email
10. Get tickets to go to Paris YIPEEEEE!!!!!!
11.  Sort out a question with Revenue Canada (FUN WOW!)
12.  Try to complete a big adventure I have planned and get that rolling.  FAST!  Some movement, no resolution.

Also, worked and went to a dr's apt.  Not too shabby all around!

Breathe. done.  Still doing it, thankfully.

La llista per avui ha anat força bé..

1. Anar al marcat
2. Córrer 5K, 45 min, 20 min pilates!
3. El meu Home i la Gran van a buscar el DNI i passaport per la Gran.  Creus dits i esperem. Mira, anaven, però com podries imaginar, faltaven un paper i han de tornar-hi divendres.
4. Comprar billetes per anar a Canadà per nosaltres i el gos TOMA!!!!
5. Finalitzar el lloc on quedem aquest estiu, espero TOMA!!!!
6. Compre una entrada per anar a un concert en BCN No cal, perquè seré en Paris, mira a baix.
7. Fer un transferència a la caixa per fer una reservació per una excursió
8 Preparar-me per un curs que faré divendres al matí No, perquè l'enllaç no funciona
9.  Comprar una entrada per un altre concert a BCN, espero No, perquè no ha respost al email
10.  Comprar billetes per anar a Paris TOMA!!!
11. Intentar de clarificar una dubte amb Revenue Canada (dels impostos)
12 Intentar de concretar una gran aventura que tinc planificat...RAPIDAMENT! Estem una mica més endavant, però no hem tancat la tema encara.

Respirar.  fet, i per sort, encara ho estic fent.

Kicked that out of the park, no?

Que bé, no?


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