Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Miravet, Tuesday morning as well; també dimarts al matí

This is getting epic...and all in four days!  We're nearly done though, this is the last post from the weekend, not last weekend, the weekend before, I am that far behind.

Deu n'hi do!  Tot això en quatre dies!  Casi hem acabat, aquest és l'ultima part del cap de setmana, no el cap de setmana passat, no el d'abans.  Vaig tan de retard.

This is Miravet, a Templar castle build on and incorporating the structure of a previous castle from the Arabs who controlled most of Spain for 7 centuries.  The wife of our hosts had actually worked on the site when it was being excavated, so that was really cool too.  The only thing I could think of from this point of view is how terrible it would be to try and breach the castle when it was fully armed.

Aquí som a Miravet, un castell templer construït sobre un castell dels moros.  La dona de la parella qui estaven els nostres amfitrions treballava aquí quan feia les excavacions.  D'aquí, l'única cosa que puc pensar era l'idea de intentar d'entrar aquest castell com una enemic.  No puc imaginar com podria fer-ho.

View from the top....la vista des d'amunt

The Ebro river, el riu d'Ebre

You can just see the old town there.  Pots justament veure la poble antic.

Now you can see it more clearly.  Ara la pots veure més clarament, no?

This view, from this corner sparked a new plan.  Canoe the Ebro.  Gotta do it.  Then they mentioned that there's a long distance walking path along the length of it.  Hmmm, walk up, canoe down. Sounds cool, no?

Aquesta vista va crear un plan nou.  Travessa l'Ebre, d'amunt fins avall, en canoa.  Ho hem de fer.  Ens van explicar que també hi ha una GR que va a costat de tot de l'Ebre.  MMmmmmm, pujem a peu i baixem amb canoa?  Seria guai, no?


Jan said...

You are on my home ground now... if I was there which I'm not at the moment. We've been to Miravet loads of times, both the castle and for a menu del dia near the river. It's fabulous.......... although my better half still has a dint in his knee from falling down the steep narrow spiral stairs! He fell onto me.

Beth said...

Canada is so “young.” I envy your ability to walk, hike, run – simply live – amidst such history.

elpadawan said...

I think now that you said it, you can't back down anymore. You must walk up the Ebre and canoe down now... :)

oreneta said...

Jan, it is quite a staircase in there isn't it! Quite a lovely bit of Spain you've landed up in. I adored it there.

Canada is so young too, and while it is lovely to have so much history about, there is a definite shortage of wilderness. Don't sell Canada short. We have a lot that few others have too.

ElP. Ok, done.