Saturday, October 13, 2012

Helmets, Cascs

Went into town the other day in search of mountain running shoes for Youngest, so she can wear them to gym, run with me in the hills, and if she wants, come with me with on excursions, in normal temps.

We were also looking for a helmet for me, and some biking gloves.  First stop had only one brand of helmet.  Reasonable price, ridiculous helmet.  Now, I know they ride high on your head, but this was silliness.  Big yellow plastic mushroom sprouting off the top of my head.

Tried another place.  Flipped over the price tag on a randomly selected helmet.  199€, that 255 US dollars, or 251 Canadian dollars.  For a helmet.

I could get a bike for less than that.

This astonishing piece of engineering, I have to say,  looked just like all the others.

I cannot imagine, simply cannot imagine what the sellers, buyers, retailers and everyone else could possibly be thinking.

Fa alguns dies vaig anar a comprar amb la Petita, qui necessitava bambes per anar a la muntanya...que poden fer servir també a educació física i per venir amb mi a fer excursions!

Alhora, buscava un casc i guants per fer bici.  A la primera botiga només tenia un marc de casc.  El preu era força bé, el casc, de ridícul.  Mira, jo sé que els cascs de bici els portem molt amunt del cap, però aquest casc quedava com una tapa balancejada a sobre el meu cap.  Un bolet gran, plàstic i groc brotant del meu cap. 

Vam anar a una altra botiga. vaig llegir la etiqueta d'un casc, seleccionat per casualitat.  199€!  Per un casc!

Podria comprar una bici per menys.

Aquest exemple del art d'enginyeria semblava tots els altres.

No puc imaginar, simplement no puc imaginar, que estan pensant els venedors, compradors i tota la resta.  De que estant pensant?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"it's ugly, but it's for your safety", I guess... Just decorate yours with funny cat ears (rabbit ears may send the wrong message during hunting season), or "pumpkinize" it for Halloween :p