Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Bad book. Un llibre mal escrit.

Picked up Dan Brown's Digital Fortress.  One cliche after another, nasty horrid predictable writing, a wonder if got published.

Maybe it would be better in Catalan, a sympathetic translator might have tightened the language up a lot.

Dropped it as agonizing fast.  Fortunately it wasn't a gift.

Vaig començar de llegir Digital Fortress, de Dan Brown.  Horrorós, escrit amb un clixé seguint una obvietat.  No entec com va acabar de ser publicat.  

Potser seria millor en català, un traductor simpàtic potser hagués millorat el text, però molt....i amb molta feina.

L'he deixat amb una rapidesa impressionant.  Afortunadament, no era un regal.  També he descobert que falto molta vocabulari per parlar i criticar de llibres.  Ara vaig a fer una mica d'investigació.


Anonymous said...

Read it a long time ago. Oddly, it seems that the author is always following the same plot twist pattern. It was fun and interesting the first few times, but when the same plot twist is used every time, it's not a twist anymore, now, is it? :)

oreneta said...

Surprised you finished it. I didn't. meh. and no, have to agree with you.....twists by def'n have to be exciting and surprising.