Monday, January 21, 2013

Walk and computer, camina i ordinador

Went walking on Sunday, a friend and I did 57K, and more or less 2000 meters of climbing (and descending).  Good fun, have to admit I am a little stiff, not quite as trained up as I should have been, but lovely.  Started and ended in the dark, welcome to January!

On another note, my computer is on the blitz!  Fun WOW!  May have to take it in to the professionals to try and get it saved....sigh

Vaig anar a caminar diumenge, amb un amic vam fer 57 quilòmetres i més o menys 2000 metres de desnivell.  Molt divertit, haig d'admetre que tinc unes agueletes avui, no estic tan entrenada com calia ser, però un dia molt maco.  Vam començar i acabar en el fosc, benvinguts a gener!

A un altre banda,la meva ordinador està fotuda!  YEAH!!! Em sembla que hauré de portar-la als professionals per salvar-la.  Que puc fer.

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