Wednesday, April 3, 2013

wipe out on the bike, vaig caure de la bicicleta!


Hauria de passar, però....deu meu, m'he fet una mica de mal.

Estava baixant una riera, molt ràpidament, com sempre, i he havia moltes caques de cavalls.  Estava intentant de no trapitjar-les i llavors no vaig saltar un desaiguà gaire bé.  La meva mà, de la dreta, va saltar del manillar i pim pam.  A terra.  He tret la pell de tots dos genolls, un braç i una cuixa.  Unes blaus, i el fre del darrer va afluixar força.

Però, mira, ara tinc crostes, però poc més i una botiga de bicicletes em va revisar i reposar bé el fre.....gratuït!

No puc queixar de res.  Està molt divertit anar amb bicicleta.

It had to happen, but OUCH!

I was screaming down a riera, which is a dry river bed, very quickly as always, and it was full of horse crap.  As I was going to a friend's house and I park the bike in the living room while I'm there, I was doing my best to avoid them, soooo, I didn't jump concrete ditch quite right, my hand lost control of the handle bars and the fat lady started singing.

Skinned both knees, my hip and an arm.  A couple of bruises and the back brakes on the bike, which were already loose, were MUCH looser, fortunately a bike shop in a neighbouring town checked them over and tightened them up for me for free - remind me to go back!

I can't really complain.  It is a lot of fun riding the bike.


Anonymous said...

wow, be careful. hope it'll heal soon...

Sam said...

Ouch! you have to be careful at our age you could take out a hip! LOL!! glad to hear it was only a few bumps, scrapes and bruises...

thecatalanway said...

Oh I just saw this! Hope you are feeling better. Arnica on hand? I almost rang you today when we found a lost goat on the road near our usual meeting place. I thought you might know where the Corredor goat keeper hangs out. She was FULL of milk - like tits hanging down to the ground. But my phone wasn't working and we found the herd and it turns out she stays there alone to be near her babies. so all was well and we had a good walk round to the Font de Matteu and the little church with the view. Hope to see you soon love Kate x

oreneta said...

ElP, things are slowly healing knee has swollen up a bit, but it is better mostly now....

Sam, ain't it the truth!

Those goats are pretty independent aren't they....I do know what you mean though about them. worrying to find one on its own.

J.G. said...

Ouch is right. Feeling better now? How's the knee?

oreneta said...

Most of the scabs are gone now! I don't look so scary in a skirt at this point.